Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1st --Thankful

Today is Saturday November 1, 2014.  November is known as the month where Thanksgiving falls.  No it is not preparation for Christmas month it is get ready for Thanksgiving month!  And what is a better way to get ready for Turkey day than to share what you are thankful for.  So for the next 30 days I will post my gratitude's.

First I am so thankful that my friend Nikki's biopsy came back negative this week!  It was such great news.

I am thankful for my friends near and far.  No matter where they are I hope they know how much they mean to me!

I am thankful that even though my hand is broken and I am limited to what I can do physically i.e. no swimming or no running...I am still able to move and I continue to walk and get on my bike trainer.

One day at a time ...

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