Thursday, November 13, 2014


So many things to be thankful today.  The snow began to fly and land on the ground.  I do love the snow but it reminds me that I have to get new tires for the car and I have to purchase my ski pass!!

I started running again today.  After 3 1/2 weeks of not running my first day back went really well.  I think due to the fact that I kept moving (walking) during those 3 1/2 weeks it made the transition back really easy.

I signed up for my second half marathon for 2015 today.  On March 22nd I will be running the streets of Syracuse.  When I cross the finish line that will be half marathon #10!

And finally at the end of the day, I was sitting in my bosses office and she said to me, "your face looks so thin".  I laughed and said thanks losing 28.5 pounds will do that!  She asked if I had lost it on purpose?  I said yes I started on June 7th.  I told her that I feel good and still have a long way to go but I am taking it one day at a time.

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