Wednesday, November 19, 2014

the gym

Today I am thankful for the gym.  I am thankful that I have access to two gyms, an indoor track, an outdoor track, indoor pool and outdoor pool (summer only) all on campus.  When I am not at work I run outside or in the hotel fitness centers when I travel.  But today I used the wellness clinic at lunch time.  I had to get some blood work done this morning to I didn't go into the gym early and after work I had a committee meeting to host with some of our alumni so I had to figure out when I was going to run.  Due to the convenience of having a gym literally a 5 minute walk away from my office I headed inside for my run.  I was happy to have that option and thankful for the perks i get because I work on a college campus.

Day 2 of the gallon water challenge went really well.  I have about 16 ounces to go and I will be done.  I took the advice of a friend and drank the water slowly all day ... sip the water don't guzzle ... which limited the trips to the bathroom.  And after two days I have noticed something ... I am a tea drinker.  I don't drink coffee so I get my caffeine from the tea I drink.  I love my morning cup of tea but one of my favorite cups of tea is in the late afternoon around 3 or 4 p.m. However, the last two days I have not had a desire for that afternoon cup.  Is it the water or is it all in my head?  Only time will tell.  On to day three ... tomorrow I am traveling again for work and I find it harder to get enough water when traveling so this will be interesting.

Stay tuned.

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