Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Today my friend Ellen posted a picture on Facebook which read, "each day is a gift". I stared at the post as I began to think about the fact that I have been Bitching for three weeks about my stupid cast. Instead of looking at every day as a gift that I am alive, I am not sick and I am able to move. Sure we always have rough days or weeks but where does complaining get us?

When I worked for Team In Training we had t-shirts that read, "if you think running 26.2 miles is tough try chemotherapy" now if that didn't make you stop complaining nothing will. We all have problems and someone always has it worse than me.

So today is a gift. Today I woke up and the scale dropped 1.5 pounds. I am now down 28.5 pounds. I went back to the doctors and my break is healing well. They took the cast off and now I have a smaller brace for the next two weeks. I can ease back into running but swimming will not resume until December.

Today was a gift.

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