Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11th

One more day until the cast comes off, I hope.  I head back to the doctor's tomorrow for more xrays of my hand.  I am praying that the brace can come off, my running shoes can go on and I can run to the pool for a swim workout!!  This isn't the worst injury I have ever had but I will say it has been annoying.

I will share that this is the one injury I have had that I haven't used it as an excuse not to exercise or continue to control my eating.  I have not sat on the couch and felt sorry for myself.  I have taken advantage of the fact that there is some movement I can still do ... walk but no run ... bike but now swim.  So I have walked a lot.  I have racked up the miles walking almost every day.  I have changed it up a few times by jumping on my bike trainer and spinning the wheels a bit. (Yes, for those of you who know me well, don't be shocked my this.  I did get on my bike).

I have been counting down the days until I go back to the doctor but I haven't stopped living my life and feeling good about myself.!!

Always One day at a Time.

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