Monday, October 1, 2012

Completed the Wineglass Half Marathon

Half Marathon #6 is in the bag.  Yesterday, September 30th I completed my 6th Half Marathon at the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, New York with six of my friends Sue, Diane, Patty, Michelle, Denise and Chris.  I was also lucky enough to run into so many other friends who were also running the event.  The event was wonderful.  It is a great course and a perfect running day.  It was cool in the morning but never got too warm.  I felt great as the miles went by, my recurring foot injury did bother me a bit but I continued to put one foot in front of the other.  I hit the wall at about mile 10 and the next two miles were tough but I pushed myself through it.  By mile 12 I was ready to be done ... thank God I only had a mile to go!  I finished the half marathon in 3 hours 2 minutes and 53 seconds.  It isn't my fastest half marathon but it wasn't my slowest either.  I do know I probably would have had a faster time if I had been more dedicated to my long runs.  At times I did more cycling and swimming than I did actually running ... live and learn but either way I had a great day!

While I was in Corning I also had a wonderful opportunity to meet a fabulous woman and one of my favorite runners Joan Benoit Samuelson!!  Joan won the very first Olympic gold medal for the women's marathon in 1984!  She is still running and even qualified for the last Olympic Trials!  What do you think of this great picture?

My final thoughts for this blog are two shout outs to my friends Diane and Patty who both completed their first half marathon yesterday!  They both did it with flying colors finishing under 3 hours!!  I am so proud of you both and can't wait to run more with you!!  You are both ROCK STARS!!

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