Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Something funny happened today ...

Something funny happened to me today and I had to share.  Have you ever been driving in your car and found yourself behind a person who has bumper stickers on the back of their car that say 26.2, 13.1 etc.?  Well I am one of those people.  I have three such stickers on the back of my car.  I have a 26.2, 13.1 and a 70.3 stuck to the back of my bumper.  I love to see the stickers when I am approaching my car but often times I forget about them until today.

I pulled up to a light and this car pulled up next to me.  The gentleman in the car motioned for me to roll down my window.  As I began to roll the window down (electronically not manually) I thought to myself this guy needs direction.  He smiled and said,  "let me ask you something, the 26.2 sticker is for a run correct"?  I said "yes".  He then went on to ask me what the 13.1 sticker was for and I told him it was for a half marathon.  Then he said, "so what is the 70.3"?  I told him that would be a Half Ironman!  He smiled and then asked me, "so did you do all of those"  I laughed and said yes I did!  He responded with, "Wow that is amazing ... good for you!"

This total stranger's comments totally made my day.  So often I don't give myself enough credit for what I have accomplished or for the finish lines that I have crossed.  And this gentleman reminded me that I have done a lot in my life to be very proud of!  Thank you sir!

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