Tuesday, October 30, 2012


According to Webster's dictionary the word commitment is defined as an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.  When I signed up for the Syracuse 70.3 Half Ironaman I made a commitment to do the training all over again and complete the event.  The difference this year compared to last year is I have made a commitment to finish stronger and faster than last year.

Have you ever thought about a commitment you have made in the past?  What would you do to stick to the commitment?  What are you willing to do to get something done?  Well I knew when I signed up again I was going to need some additional help.  So this past week I met with a coach and decided to hire him.  I know I need help with my cycling and I wasn't going to get faster on my own.  I also signed up for a gym membership so I could have access to a pool, an indoor track and also free weights.  All of these things are important to my training.

My final commitment is again to lose the weight.  It is a frustrating process and can be a very slow one.  However, I also know it is a very important one.  I made a deal or a pact with a friend of mine to lose the weight.  This individual is getting married around the same time that I am going to be competing in the 70.3.  My friend would like to lose some weight for the wedding too.  So we promised each other that we would ride each other, push each other and support each other until we hit our goal!  Doing it alone can be frustrating but having someone to bitch with and who understands what you are going through makes it a bit easier.

So what commitment am I willing to make ... what am I willing to give up to make my goal a reality?  I am willing to tell the world I can't do this on my own and I need some help.  I am willing to put in the hours ... the blood ... sweat and tears to make my goals happen!!

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