Monday, October 8, 2012

Great day for a run...

I have to be honest with you today ... I didn't end up running on Sunday but I made up for it today.  I put the run off yesterday until the afternoon because I wanted to go to church and run some errands.  Then at the exact time I wanted to go out for the run it started to poor rain and I decided I wasn't going out.  So this morning I up and it was beautiful out.  I put on my running shoes and off I went felt great.  During this past week, after the Wineglass Half, I walked and did yoga to loosen up my muscles so to finally hit the pavement running today felt great!

When I wake up in the morning my back bothers me a lot.  I have several protruding discs in my back and in the morning I am sore and stiff.  I can barely bend over to put my sneakers on never mind go out for a run.  So often times I put my runs off until later in the day then I have loosened up but then I start other projects and I don't feel like running.  The morning of races I am up 2-3 hours prior to the start of the event just so I can stretch the back and go through my other morning routines (you know what I mean).  The reason I am telling you this is because I would love to be one of those people who runs first thing in the morning.  The alarm goes off, the shoes are on and out the door they go!  I am jealous!!  I am hoping and praying with some more yoga the back will be better in the AM.    The rest of the day I am fine.  

Tomorrow I am hoping to get out on the bike.  I haven't been there for a while and I need to spend as much time as possible.  Stay tuned!

By the way I am down 2 pounds after having such a break down last week!!

Are we there yet??

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