So after last weeks Blog entry I realized that I had not posted since New Year's day (again I would love a mulligan on this year). I decided to go back and review my goals for 2020 to see how I was doing so far. We are only 82 days in and we have 283 to go (yes I did the math in my head). The best is yet to come, right?!?!
So one of the goals I set for myself was a 100 days challenge and once again doing math in my head I have 18 days left on this challenge. I said I would go "No Sugar" for 100 days, Strength Train for 100 days, Journal/notebook, knit, and declutter. And for the most part I am doing well. I had a few slip ups along the way but I haven't given up.
In regards to the "no sugar" my system is so much better without sugar. And when I say sugar I try very hard not to eat process sugar or anything that lists "sugar" in the first five ingredients. So I try to follow this to the best of my ability. I would be lying to you if I said I was perfect. For example, valentine's day, we had a little party for our students at work and there was so many fabulous treats that I could not resist. However, I paid the price after I ate it.
I will admit I have not incorporated strength training into my life every day but I have been doing in at least 2 times a week. I think it's pretty good for someone who doesn't really enjoy it. I have found it challenging, which isn't a bad thing. I have been knitting, which I love, but there have been a few days I have missed it. However, I leave whatever project I am working on right on the couch so I can pick it up at anytime even for a few minutes.
One hundred days of journaling/notebooking...yes, I have been doing that...every day. I have created a habit I absolutely love and look forward to doing every day. Some days I write on page after page and on other days it could be a paragraph but I am doing it. A friend of mine started this Facebook group/challenge #100daysofNotebooking which of course I joined. This pushed me to do something I didn't do on a regular basis. Yes I have journal-ed in the past but not every day. She has not changed the group to #100DaysofNotebooking and beyond. And yes, I will keep writing.
I never started the declutting challenge. My coach advised me against it...well she advised me against doing so many challenges and said which one could I put off until later? I chose the 100 days of decluttering. However, when lent started I brought reading into my schedule, I read everyday just for a short period of time, but I read. And now that this "self-quarantine" has started, I stared decluttering this weekend.
So even though these goals have not been perfect for the last 82 days I haven't given up!! Which I think is a good thing. Research shows that most New Year's Resolutions are broken after the first month and we are into March!!
I also checked out the list of races I was planning on completing and the list of goals around those. Of course, like many of you, many of my races have been cancelled or turned into virtual races. It is disappointing but we all know it is for the best! This of course means I have to rethink my race goals. I did complete a half marathon in February, it wasn't pretty but I got across the finish line. I missed a four-miler, The Tipp Hill Shamrock Run, due to work obligations earlier this month. Two other half marathons have been cancelled that were scheduled for April and the Mountain Goat 10 miler has been cancelled too which was scheduled for early May. I will still be getting the miles in on the days these races were scheduled but it will be done virtually not on the race courses.
I have Three more sprint triathlons scheduled for May, July, and August and a 70.3 in June. And come October, I plan to run the Hartford Full Marathon. With that being said my A races are now the 70.3 in June and the Hartford Marathon in October. Fingers crossed nothing happens with those races.
My goal for the 70.3 race is to be faster and finish stronger than I did last year. I have been working
hard on the bike to make sure that happens but it hasn't been easy. I just keep pushing myself hoping every day I get a bit stronger and a bit faster. My runs haven't been going my way. I have been struggling out on the road and trying to get the distance. I can't believe how much can change in four months. My times have been slower and it hasn't been fun.
One of my goals was to get out of my head while running. I wanted to end the negative talk and self doubt. I have been working on that slowly. I started going out for runs and not worry about my time or the distance. I have been trying to enjoy running again and just let my body do what it wants. I often say that I love running, and I do, but lately I haven't liked it very much. On Friday, I had a fabulous run with times I haven't seen in a while. I felt great. Today I went out, same route, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I felt like I was dragging weights with me. So needless to say I am still working on getting out of my head while running! I haven't given up because I want to see the times I saw this past fall or I should say faster times than this past fall.
Well everyone, stay safe and healthy!! Remember to wash your hands and hopefully we will be able to see everyone soon!!
PS: Did you know in the state of NY liquor stores are essential businesses!! Gotta love NY.