Monday, September 14, 2020

It was the best of was the worst of times!

Through all my years of training for full and half marathons as well as triathlons of all levels I have discovered that you learn just as much, if not more, during a bad training day as you do during a great training day!

This weekend I had a 20 mile training run on the schedule. I decided I would do it on Saturday instead of Sunday to get it over with. I shared with a friend of mine that I had this scheduled and she asked, "are you ready?". I responded physically yes, I just need to stay out of my head. 

I had this brilliant idea that I would run the 20 miler during the last 4 hours of daylight. My thinking behind this was all of my training have been great when completing them after work compared to when I was doing them in the morning. So I got up, ran some errands and did some school work waiting for 3 pm, when I would start the run.

Around 2:30 I started to get ready. Bottles were full, stinger chews were lined up, one last trip to the fancy port-a-potty (the bathroom in my house) and I was off. I had my route mapped out. I would do a few different loops throughout my neighborhood giving me the option to return home to refill bottles and use the fancy port-a-potty. Things were going well.

Six miles down...return to top off the bottles. During the second loop I found myself drinking a lot more compared to the first loop and I was out of water by mile 10. I had two miles until I was home and my legs started to cramp...damn what was my body doing to me. I got back to my house, filled up my water bottles again and tried to start running again. My legs wouldn't move, they hurt, and I couldn't run another step. I ended up walking for an additional mile, thinking if I walked a bit I could start running again, that didn't work. I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck!

So what did I learn during all of this? Sometimes the best laid plans don't bring about the best results. Mentally I was ready for this run. I was excited to see if my brilliant plan would work. When it didn't and my body failed, I beat myself up. There was not one nice thing I was thinking about myself. So as I move forward into a new week I need to stay hydrated and let it go.

There is another 20 miler scheduled for Saturday! 


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