Friday, November 30, 2012

Today is a new day!!

Have you ever felt totally disorganized?  How about having a self diagnoses of Adult ADD?  That is how I have felt lately.  I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of nights.  I look at my "TO DO" lists and nothing is crossed off and I am very easily distracted.  And after several days of this I missed my workout yesterday!    I know what you are thinking, "you are stressing over one workout".  Yes I am stressing over that one work because Tuesday and Wednesday's workouts were not great either.  I did them but they were half a$$ workouts.  I need to refocus and get my $h-- together.

I don't think I have come out and said it on this blog yet but I lost my job the end of August so I have been sending out resumes and interviewing the last couple of months.  I think if I have too much time on my hands I don't get as much done and I get distracted very easily.  For example since starting this blog I have gotten up four times to go and do something else.  HELP!

Today I have only put four things on my "To Do" list in the hopes that I will get it all done and not be disappointed at the end of the day.  Of course one of the things on the list is to write my Blog and then next is  my workout!  Besides finding a job I need to make my workouts my number one priority and get them done before anything else.  If I don't I am going to regret come June when I am struggling again during the triathlons.  Also not working out puts me in a bad state too.

So much is tied into how I feel about myself and how I feel physically and emotionally.  I am sure this is true for so many others.  For me I need sleep (at least 7-8 hours), I need to eat right ... not eating right even affects my sleep.  I need to be stress free and physically active.  If all these things are in play then I am usually a well balanced individual.  I am happier and a more productive.  I am just not feeling it today.  It is time to put it all together again before it really gets out of hand.


Are we there yet??

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