Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another Day

So I am sure you are waiting on pins and needles wondering if I completed my "To Do" list yesterday and actually got a workout into my day. Well .... yes I completed my "To Do" list and I got my work out in too.  At the end of the day I felt like I accomplished something and didn't leave anything hanging.  Again today is a new day and I have my "to do" list made up and I have already started.  I can't let things go because it turns into stress and I become overwhelmed.  Which isn't a good thing because I then get nothing done.  So I have decided to keep my "To Do" lists smaller so they are doable.  If I have a big project that needs to get done then I don't add more to my schedule.

I am easily distracted so I have to keep focus.  When I get too stressed or overwhelmed I turn to food (emotional eating) and then it becomes a viscous circle!!

You are probably wondering what does all of this have to do with my training?  It has everything to do with my training.  If I get stressed and overwhelmed and I start to let things go ... it is my training that gets forgotten first.  If I start emotionally eating then the weight doesn't come off it goes back on and it affects my training.  It's kind of like this ... I get down or depressed so I eat ... I eat because I am down or depressed ... I don't workout ... I feel awful about myself and it all starts again.  I have been there before and I don't want to go back.

This is why I need to feel organized and cross things off of lists and keep myself focused.

Here's to getting it done!!

Are we there yet?

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