Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

There was a crispness in the air, the snow was falling gently from the sky, it was quiet except for the sound of  my shoes hitting the pavement but you could feel the excitement in the homes that were passing me by ... this was my Christmas Morning Run.  I had gone to midnight mass the night before so I could purposely go on my favorite run of the year.  For the last 10+ years I have headed out on the streets of Springfield, Massachusetts before breakfast was served and gifts were open for an early morning run.  There is something about that particular run that says Merry Christmas to me!  It is quiet but at the same time joyous as we celebrate the birth of Christ ... it feels like Peace on Earth!!

I had told my coach about my traditional Christmas morning run so he made sure to add it to my schedule.  Due to the fact that I am out of town for the holidays my training schedule this week consists of running and strength training.  It is also a recovery week before all hell breaks loose!  In less than 6 months I face the Syracuse 70.3 Half Ironman Course again and this year I have goals ... big goals ... or I should say one goal TO BEAT LAST YEAR'S TIME!!  So starting next week I am sure I will be on the bike trainer, swimming and running a lot!!  However, before I do that I would like to say...

Joy to the World ... Merry Christmas to all!!

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