Monday, September 26, 2016

Trying On Clothes...

This evening I am watching the first 2016 Presidential debate. While listening I decided I needed to multitask because some of these answers are just crazy ... so I decided to try on clothes in my closet. My wardrobe is getting bigger and bigger. I am not complaining but I need to figure out what I can wear now and I need to distract myself.

Even though I know I have lost weight sometimes it is hard to see yourself thinner when you have seen yourself fat for so long! I need to tell myself that these clothes are hanging off of me and I need to let them go! Psychologically this is tough. How many of us have saved clothes, because someday you may need them? I don't want them and I will not go back!

So far my clothes donation pile is getting higher and I have a lot of empty hangers! I tried on an LL Bean winter jacket I bought last year, one that I love so much, but it is huge on me. I will need to purchase a new one soon.

As much as this debate is upsetting me the closet clean out is not!! Looking forward to a small shopping spree soon.
I think it is time for a new jacket!

Yeah I would like a new jacket!

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