Saturday, September 17, 2016

Another Quick Update...

I am almost at 8 weeks post surgery and every little measurement or accomplishment keeps me going. When I was in college the school that I attended had so many traditions. One was a class ring that everyone ordered. Or I am going to assume that everyone ordered because I know of no one who didn't order one. We ordered the rings at the end of our sophomore year and they were delivered during our Junior year. Part of the tradition is the school holds a ring ceremony and being a Catholic School the rings were blessed during this ceremony.

I never ordered a high school ring, because I always thought they were ugly but I was very proud of my college ring. I wore it for years post graduation. However, within the last 10 years I haven't worn the ring because it didn't fit any more. The day before the surgery I took the ring out of a drawer but left it in it's box. Just this last week I decided to try it on ...It fit!!

A new journey!!
My College Ring!

It FITS!!!

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