Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quick Update

Race Number and Race Shirt
On Sunday, September 11th I ran in the GySgt Thomas J Sullivan 5K Remembrance Run. This run was organized to honor the memory of a soldier who was killed in Chattanooga a year ago. Tommy Sullivan grew up in the same neighborhood as I did and I saw this race as an opportunity to respect his memory and also do my first race post surgery. I was so happy with my time and how I felt on the course. I completed the race in 38:55 (according to my watch). According to the race (gun time) had me completing the race doing a 12:37/mile. I was so excited when I saw that! I have other races scheduled in the near future so I am excited to see what my future holds for me and my finish times.

The second quick up date I want to share is this morning I flew from Syracuse, NY to LA. For the last few years every time I boarded a plane I would say a little prayer, begging God that the seat belt would fit. Twice in the past I have had to ask for an extension...which was embarrassing. Some people may think that twice isn't that many times but for me it was too many. I learned to ask for the extension as soon as I boarded that way no one would know I needed one. Well today I got on the plane, went to my seat and buckled myself in for the ride. Not only did I fasten the seat belt but I was able to pull it tight!!

Some times the little things mean so much!!

New Journey!

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