Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Down over 40 pounds

Officially 40 lbs down
40 lbs down!
It's been 10 weeks and I am down over 40 pounds. Last week I went and met with my diabetes coach. Even though I haven't taken any medication (for my diabetes or anything else) since my surgery I wanted to make sure I was still OK. As my coach explained my daily number counts looked great and going forward I don't need to check them every day as I was. However, she did explain to me that I am not diabetes free, just in remission. With this in mind I have to stay on top of it, continue to check my numbers on a weekly basis and make sure I stay in a "normal range". She explained that this surgery definitely helped but doesn't mean it is a cure. Either way I was happy to hear stay off the medication and this is motivation. I will not go back and I want to stay medication free. It is not my plan to slack off and let my blood sugar numbers start to climb again.

Before my appointment was over we talked about my workouts and my training goals. She asked me if I was strength training ... my least favorite thing!?!? I explained to her that I know how important it is but I don't enjoy it. She then challenged me to start adding it in even just two days a week. With the fast weight loss, I am also losing muscle and I need to keep that. Of course this I know but I would rather go for a run or swim than lift. However, I never turn away from a challenge so here I go...adding weights to my workouts!!

Another highlight of this past week, I went shopping to pick up a few things. My closet is dwindling and I need a few dresses for some upcoming events. I bought three dresses ... two were a size L and another was a size 14! I am officially down 4 sizes! Since I don't check my scale every day, it's nice to have other ways to measure your success!

Below is two pictures showing another success. Some of you may not understand this or probably can't relate. However, as someone who travels often for work, this is a huge success!!

"Insert the metal fittings one into the other, and tighten by pulling on the loose end of the strap"

Yes, I can do that now!!

1 comment:

  1. Your story inspires me. I am so glad you are finding so much success. I can hear the joy in your words!!
