Tuesday, October 11, 2016

One year ago...

On October 10, 2015 I completed the first annual Rock n Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon. That was my 9th half marathon and I really enjoyed the course and the race itself. It was a beautiful fall day, as a runner, you couldn't as for anything better.

At this point in my life I had been dealing with Type II diabetes for 11 months and was struggling with my blood sugar numbers and obviously my weight (based on this picture). Just one month earlier I had my first conversation with a member of my medical team about Bariatric Weight loss Surgery. Of course at that point I had dismissed the conversation. One month after this photo the subject was brought up again and my whole life took a different turn.

One year later (less one day) I went for a run on Sunday, October 9, 2016. I completed 3.5 miles as a drop back week, since I am training for another half marathon. In less than four weeks I will be on the start line of half marathon number 10 in Princeton, NJ. I don't know what the day will bring as training for this race is so much more than just the miles. However, I am ready to take it on ... what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?
Over 45 lbs down!

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