Monday, May 18, 2015

It finally moved!!

It had been over a month that the scale in my home had not moved. It was stuck at the same number for too long. However, Saturday morning I stepped on the scale and it finally moved. I had lost a pound!! I felt relief ... pressure was off. I had visions of my emotions and frustrations getting in the way of this long plateau and eventually throwing in the towel. However, I wasn't ready to quit and I had to keep fighting!! Total loss now is 36 pounds. I don't know if I am going to make my goal of 45 pounds by June 8th, due to the plateau. However, as long as the scale continues to move in the right direction I will be happy.

Why June 8th ... It will be the anniversary of when this all started. I stepped on the scale the previous year and said to myself, that is it!

I am also happy to report that my workouts have continued this month. I have not missed a workout in 22 days. Even though this passed weekend was crazy busy with work travel, all day meetings and events and finally the college's commencement I still got my workouts in. As they say if it is important to you, you will do it, if not you will find an excuse!

It's time to keep moving.  Happy Monday!!  Enjoy your day!

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