Friday, May 15, 2015

20 days

This will be a quick entry, I have a very busy weekend ahead of me but I needed to share. I am right now in Boston and will be heading back to Ithaca in about an hour. I came into town last night for an event and need to head back for commencement weekend on campus. Life is a bit nonstop right now but I can't skip the workouts. I just got back from the hotel gym.

At the end of April I set a goal for myself to do some sort of physical activity every day during the month of May. We are 15 days in and I have done something every day. I have ran, bike, swam and walked my way through May. I am actually at 20 days because I had worked out the last 5 days of April too but who's counting??  ME!!

This weekend will be the challenge, today is done but tomorrow I will be in meetings all day long starting at 7:30 and will continue working until 10 pm. I am determined to do something. Who knows what Sunday will bring with a very early morning and I am sure I will be very tired by the time commencement is over.

Stay tuned but I think determination will carry me through this weekend.

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