Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A contract with me...I am ready for a change

What do I want?
1.    To live a healthy lifestyle …spirit mind and body
2.    To lose weight
3.    I want to lose 4-5 lbs a month for 2 years … a total of 108 pounds

Why do I want it?
1.    I want to be healthier … not just a healthier body but a stronger mind and spirit!
2.    I want to be stronger on the 70.3 Course and all endurance courses
3.    I want to stop taking HBP medication
4.    I am tired of carrying the weight around
5.    I want to feel better about myself

What am I willing to do to get it?
1.    No Sugar product in the first 5 ingredients*
2.    Watch for sodium, keep it under 9%

What will happen if I don’t lose the weight?
1.    I will continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle
2.    My BP will not go down and I will be at risk for some serious health issues
3.    I will never improve on any endurance course
4.    I will feel like a failure

What are the consequences if this doesn’t happen?
1.    If I don’t lose the weight consistently over the next 24 months and after two years I haven’t lost the 100+ pounds I would like to lose my consequence that in the winter of 2016 I will not be able to ski for an entire season! And if I lose the weight (4-5 lbs) each month I can treat myself to a pedicure.  If I don't lose the weight then I am doing my nails myself ... and I hate doing my toes.  Weigh in day is tomorrow morning 12/12/13!  I am ready for a change!



Sunday, November 24, 2013

The weather outside ... frightful but the fire is so delightful, literally.  First big snowfall of the season and I am looking at 5+ inches of snow out my window and the temperature reading of 17 degrees.  I love the winter!  I have been a skier since I was able to walk so I look forward to the site of the first snow flake.  However with winter weather comes indoor training or winter training.

The bike gets put on the trainer and yak traks get put on your sneakers.  I have to admit I like to run outside when it is cold.  You put on an extra layer or two and you head out and enjoy the crisp air.  Just head out and run. And within the first few minutes you warm up very quickly.

In my opinion the hardest part of winter training is getting the bike on the trainer.  Literally setting it up.  It takes so much time.  Getting the trainer out, putting the bike on it and finding the right movie or show to watch.  Once you are on your bike, which is now on the trainer, the challenge begins of staying on it for your entire workout.  You can do intervals to keep your mind entertained, you can watch a movie that keeps you distracted but the only thing that gets you through a bike workout is discipline.

Keeping your eye on the ball; your sites on the finish line.  Telling yourself that this is what will get you through those 56 miles.  Now I am not wishing winter away, my skis and snow shoes are calling my name.  However, you have to do whatever it takes to get through winter tri training because the base you build now will be so important come spring!

Tri Mo Tri ... are we there yet?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today my coach sent me an email with the following statement that she read in Triathlon Magazine:

I've always been opposed to putting in "junk miles" when pursuing peak performance.  Quality, however, isn't limited to speed work, hill repeats and fartleks.  Quality means being purposeful in your training.

To reach full potential, every skill involved in competition must be trained individually.  If any piece is missing, you won't succeed.  If you can't sustain the mind to go the full distance, then physical endurance and speed won't matter.  It's essential to see the connection between practice and competition and set specific goals for psychological skills training accordingly.  To achieve mental toughness, each workout must have a predetermined answer to, "Why am I doing this?" and "How is this going to help me on race day?"

Awareness is key and this requires concentrated thought.  Don't let your mind just wander during training and then expect to be fully focused in competition.  Practice remaining fully present in each moment.  Be aware of your inner critic, which is the biggest distraction of all.  Replace negative dialogue with positive, motivational or instructional phrases.  Do a mental checklist to maintain proper form and mindset.

There are no shortcuts to mental toughness.  Training your brain to be as tough as your body requires that you get out of the comfort zone and dig deep.  Learn what if feels like to push the limits and become comfortable with the veil of discomfort.

I am really good at negative talk.  I am a pro at it.  As a workout gets hard believe me I don't encourage myself to stay strong and refocus.  Instead the inner critic says things like you'll never do it; you can't, why are you even trying?  How do you deal with the inner critic?  When things aren't going well and everything hurts how do you stay motivated during that workout?  How deep do you dig?  Is just saying I want it enough?

Tonight I had a really good workout on my bike trainer but Sunday I struggled with my run workout.  The biggest victory on Sunday was that I didn't quit, I wanted to but I kept going.  It wasn't pretty but I did it.  I finished despite the critics.  How do you get stronger than the critics?  How do you silence them? This is going to be a battle.  However, not only do I have to train my body I have to train my mind.  I have to convince myself I am good enough and that I can do this...

Are we there yet?

Sunday, November 3, 2013


As many of you might know every triathlete has a weakness and a strength.  My strength has always been swimming and my weakness has been biking. However recently my running has gone to pots.  After the high blood pressure was detected and I was put on medication and I started having some issues with my breathing.  Come to find out the medication I was on was causing me to have asthma.  After several months of this my endurance went down and it is frustrating.

I love to swim.  It is my favorite thing to do.  I love the feel of the water as I glide through it and the sound of the water going by my ears. I love when I look at my weekly workouts and I see a swim day.  When you love something it is easy to get excited about it.  When it comes easy to you, you want to do it all the time.

Last week I had a swim workout; 150 yards warm up; 600 yards 3 minute rest 600 yards and then a 150 yard cool down.  I had to time the two 600 yard swims and try to get the times as close to each other as possible.  The first 600 I did in 13:20 and the second 600 I did in 13:35.  I was excited about this but at the same time I asked myself why can't I do this when I run?  Why can't my runs come as easily to me.  I am getting frustrated with my run times.

So I thought about this for a while and I talked to my coach and I shared with her an idea I had.  I actually shared this idea in front of witnesses so I couldn't take it back.  I decided that for the next two months I will focus more on my running and less on my swimming.  For the next two months I will not see a swim workout on my training schedule.  My training schedule will be filled with biking and running!!  My coach agreed and I am off and running.

Now I know this week when I am doing hill repeats I will be swearing at my self but in the end I want to see my run times improve!

Are we there yet??

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Long time no see...

Welcome back.  I know I have been MIA for the last 5+ months.  I have absolutely no excuse other than the fact that I haven't had much to say.  Tonight I am listing to game 6 of the World Series and I am praying for the Red Sox.  GO SOX!!!

In May I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on medication to lower it.  The medication lowered my blood pressure but the side effects were not good so I switched medication.  Tried the next medication and that was even worse.  Yes it lowered the BP but it was causing a medication induced asthma.  This of course took a few months to figure out and caused havoc on my running.  I had to drop out of four endurance events; three half marathons and one marathon and that sucked.  But I wasn't able to train the way I wanted due to my breathing.  At times when I was out for my runs and I would have trouble breathing I would become very scared.  The first time the asthma happened was during a triathlon.  I didn't know what was going on.  Thank God we figured it out.

I am doing ok but still dealing with other issues.  I am trying to live a healthier life due to my blood pressure, which I know is an affect of my weight.  It has been a struggle.  I have been working with a nutritionist and just recently started to see a counselor hoping that this will all work out.  I tend to talk the talk but I don't walk the walk.  I am frustrated with myself and no one else can do it but me.  I have to be the change.  I have to want the change.

In September I started working with new coach getting ready for the 70.3.  Right now we are building the base for the 70.3 training.  Come January things will be kicked up a notch.  I like working with this coach and I am learning a lot about my cycling which is my weak area.  I also know I have to really focus now and make things happen.  I know I am stronger than what I am dishing out right now.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to fix everything.  One day at a time...

Are we there yet??

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Moving Forward

So I was just on the main page of my blog and I read the "about me" section.  How times have changed since that day I first wrote that.  Due to so many changes in my life (many of them good) I decided to put the 70.3 training on hold and focus on my new job and the travel I have to do ... so this blog is no longer about my 70.3 training for this year.  I am still struggling with my weight but now this blog is going to take a turn.  This blog is going to be about me dealing with the "silent killer", my high blood pressure, my weight and my training.  This high blood pressure thing is putting a lot of stress on my body, in more ways than one.  I can't stop thinking about it and I feel like crap.  It has ignited my IBS which is not fun and when I am stressed about something where is the one place I turn to .... food.  There is also a catch 22 thrown in there.  I have not been motivated lately, which is scary since I have a half marathon on June 1st.  The catch 22 is that I need to exercise in order to get out of my funk but I need to get out of my funk in order to exercise.

My doctor told me that I would get my mojo back I just need to give my body some time to heal.  My body has had a lot of stress on it lately with the high blood pressure and the stress igniting my IBS.  In time, as we try different medicines, my body will relax and I will be back in full force.

A few things I did do this past week.  I went and swam one morning, and when i arrived at the pool I realized that they changed the lanes of the pool.  The length of the pool was now Olympic size, 50 meters long.  It definitely feels different especially when you are used to doing so many strokes before you turned.  The good thing about the longer pool is the fact you will build up your endurance a bit.

I also signed up to work at the Wellness Clinic at Ithaca College.  As an employee of the school I can join the Wellness Clinic like a gym and work with the exercise science department and their students.  They will put together a program for me and work with me towards my goals.  When I found out about the high blood pressure I joined the clinic looking for their help.  I have hope!!

And finally, during the winter I was having a lot of thoughts about doing another marathon since it had been 8 years since my last one.  I looked into a couple but due to my work schedule I was not able to sign up because they were the same day as alumni/reunion weekend.  So I put those thoughts aside.  Then a friend of mine mentioned the Wine Glass Marathon, it was a different weekend and I had done the half last year.  Later that day a group of us were at dinner and we started talking about training together for a fall marathon. We decided on the Wine Glass Marathon and that night I signed up.  There is a whole group of us that will participate in either the half or full marathon.  I am looking forward to the team work and the training.  I am just trying to Move Forward!!

Are we there yet???
Boston Strong

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Life or Death...

As the saying goes, When life gives you lemons make lemonade.  Well life gave me lemons this week ... the question is what am I going to do with them?  I always told myself that if I was going to have a blog my posts were going to be honest and I wasn't going to hold back.  I can't just talk about the good stuff, I have to share everything.  

Earlier this week I had scare that turned into something serious. I had some problems with my blood pressure.  Even though I have always struggled with my weight, my blood pressure has never been an issue.  Well on Friday I had my blood pressure taken and it hit numbers I have never even seen ... 204/120.  I was at a friends Chiropractic office and as I sat in his office and he read off the numbers I was in shock and also scared $h--less.  I thought I would just be able to leave his office, but he explained to me that  I would not be going anywhere.  He made an emergency call to my doctor and I was seen right away.  I was then poked and prodded and by then end of the appointment I was on blood pressure medication.

I realize that I am not the only person in the world on this medication but it scared me.  This situation also spoke to me as a sign.  I have been struggling to lose the weight in the hopes to be smaller and be able to fit into smaller clothes.  Now the stakes are higher and it is a matter of life and death.  Dramatic maybe but I want to continue running and swimming and doing triathlons and I don't have time for this to be worse than it is now.

So life gave me lemons what did I do with them ... I went biking on Saturday on a beautiful day that didn't have a cloud in the sky!!  Sunday I ran and tomorrow will be a new day on a new journey!

Boston Strong!!

Tri Mo Tri ... Are we there yet?

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Back on February 24th I ran a half marathon which I believe I told you about.  The first 8 miles of that run went really well, I even surprised myself how well things were going.  Well the last 5 miles were a different story. My right hip and foot were killing me during the 2nd half of the run and it slowed me down.  For about a month after that I eased up on my running in order to let the inflammation go away and to recover a bit.  The next couple of weeks I was traveling quite a bit for work so my other workouts became a bit limited while on the road.  I didn't have my bike to ride and not every hotel I stayed at had a pool.

During this time I got into a "Funk" and I was struggling to get out of it.  I knew it was happening but I couldn't stop it.  It wasn't that I didn't feel well and I wasn't in a bad mood I was just blase.  I knew that if I didn't put a stop to this feeling it would spiral out of control ... and I didn't have time for that!  So last night before I fell asleep I told myself that TODAY would be the first day out of the Funk, and only I could make that happen.

So when my alarm went off I got up and headed down to the Mountain Goat training run, which I was volunteering at for Team Believe.  I chalked the roads and cheered on my friends as they ran the course.  After that was over I headed to the CNY Triathlon Club's WTF for the new member orientation.  It was my first official duty as Club President ... in the air you could feel excitement and nervousness.  It is always exciting to meet new triathletes.

When that was over I headed home for lunch because I was starving and to change in order to head out for a run myself.  What a beautiful day outside!!  I had a great run and I enjoyed the warmth of the sun!!  TODAY was the first day out of my FUNK!!!  No more procrastinating ... TODAY is the day ...

To quote one of my favorite authors, and fellow Springfield, MA native, Dr. Seuss, Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting.  So...get on your way!!

Boston Strong!

Are we there yet ...
PS: after three weeks I am down 3.5 pounds!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

86 beats a minute.

In 2001 I was training for my first triathlon and during that process I also lost 50 pounds.  So my days were spent swimming, biking and running.  One day I signed up to give blood at a local blood drive.  As you know when you go to give blood they take your blood pressure but also your pulse.  Well that morning the nurse who was working with me took my pulse several times.  She then pulled out this rules book and checked my pulse against a chart; she took my pulse again.  She then went and got her supervisor who took my pulse.  I finally asked if something was wrong?  The supervisor then asked me, "are you a runner?" I answered yes I am!  She told the nurse I was fine.  Come to find out my pulse was under 60 beats a minute, which could be a problem if you were giving blood.  However do to the fact that I was a runner and active I was fine.

On Monday, after the bomb went off at the Boston Marathon I felt helpless 300 miles away.  As a marathoner and a Massachusetts native I wanted to do something!  I needed to do something and prayers just didn't seem like enough, so I decided to go and give blood.  I arrived at the blood drive and the same process began paperwork, blood pressure and pulse.  However, this time they didn't ask if I was a runner.  My pulse was 86 beats a minute.  I was able to give blood but running (no pun intended) through my head was the fact that my pulse was high and they didn't ask if I was a runner!  Now I have given blood since 2001 but every time they take my pulse I think back to that day in 2001.

I know I wasn't there for myself and I was there to do something for others but it was a reminder that I have to do so much for myself.  Is it weird that I want to measure my activity success by my heart beats per minute?  I am scheduled to give blood again in 8 weeks!  We will see what happens.

Today I end this entry with...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Putting it all out there...

Since I made the decision not to complete the 70.3 this year I had to refocus and make something else a priority.  That priority is my weight and working at getting it lowered.  I believe by working on the weight loss it everything else will fall into place.  So of course when you are working on calories in and calories out ... sometimes things have to be given up and/or restricted ... if you notice I didn't write that dirty four letter word, D-I-E-T.  I couldn't just start another diet I had to change things in my life.  I decided to start this change by focusing first on some very simple things but keeping in mind that these simple changes can make a huge difference.  These changes are:

1. No Soda
2. No chips (chips, Doritos, Pringle's, Etc..)
3. No processed food
4. No fried food
5. Drink water
6. Get 7 -8 hours of sleep

It's not always easy but all I can do is take it one day at a time and sometimes one meal at a time.   I added the picture above because when I first read it I thought to myself that's such a simple concept.  The hard part is remembering this before you eat!

Another hard thing is putting all of this out there...

Are we there yet ...
Tri Mo Tri

Sunday, March 31, 2013

On Hold...

For weeks something heavy was weighing on my shoulders I had to make a decision and it wasn't going to be easy.  Back in January my life had taken a 180 degree turn.  I had a new job (which I love), I was now commuting almost 3 hours a day and I was traveling a lot for work.  So for the last two months I have been trying to create a balance in my life of work, travel, commuting, sleep, volunteering and training ... I felt like I was becoming a "jack of all trades but a master of none".  What should I do?  This question loomed over me for weeks.  Well last Saturday I woke up and made my decision.  I said it out loud to myself and it felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders.  Even though I made the decision I was nervous about telling people.  I knew it was the right decision but I didn't know what other people would say.  I shared my decision with a few friends and they agreed that it was the best decision for me.  I had thought about it for a long time and the decision was well thought out.  I decided to put my 70.3 training on hold and try to defer my race entry until 2014.  Due to my new job, the commuting and my travel my training has not been consistent.  It becomes hard to swim when you don't have access to a pool for a week because the hotel you are staying in didn't have a pool.  Or it is hard to get some time in on your bike when your bike was at home but you were 100s and 100s of miles away.  Not only was training suffering physically, mentally I had my doubts too.  I shared my decision with my coach and he too thought it was the best decision.  He told me that I should not worry about what others thought and that I was not quitting just putting it on hold.  He is right ... I still have three half marathons, three sprint triathlons scheduled, and open water swim and countless other races to focus on this summer.  As much as we want to think we can do it all sometimes we have to say no.  I did the 70.3 last year and I know what I need to do to be ready ... and I wasn't going to be ready.  I have put it on hold...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Must keep running...

This morning I am looking out a window onto Cazenovia Lake in New York and it is snowing.  In fact I don't think it has stopped snowing in Cazenovia for the past four or five days.  Not surprising for this part of the country and during this time of the year.  For individuals in other parts of the country winter means  running and training on treadmills but not in Central New York.  We run in snow, sleet and in cold temperatures.  You learn how to dress for this weather and you head out the door and you do it.  Within the last seven days I ran in two different races.  The first was last Sunday, February 24th.  I ran in the Lake Effect Half Marathon.  It was 13.1 miles running along the shores of Onondaga Lake and yes it was snowing!

The second event was yesterday and it was the Tipp Hill Shamrock 4 mile run.  This event event kicks off the St. Patrick's Day celebrations around the city and it is one of my favorite events.  It is a tough course but it always fun to see so many friends along the way and of course we celebrate when we are done.  Yesterday was cold and snowy but we all got through it!

Even though I got out and finished both events I struggled a bit during these events due to some recurring injuries.  I have this strange problem with my right foot.  When I run I can tell you exactly when I hit the four mile mark because this foot becomes inflamed and it begins to cramp.  My foot feels like it is on fire.  And if it is hot out it is even worse.  So thank God that it was cold Sunday because it numbed the pain a bit.  I also have some hip problems that I have had for 10 years that can get inflamed and will bother me.  Well during the half marathon both areas on the same leg bothered me a lot.  As a result I think I changed my gate a bit and I did something to my left foot.  I will say that the first 7 miles of this half went really well.  I was making great time on the course and was really excited about that.  However, after mile 7 all went down hill.

After this event was over the past week I spent my time walking, stretching and rolling out my sore muscles.  I had to be ready for yesterday's Tipp Hill Run.  I didn't know how the four mile run would go since I was still sore and my feet were bothering me.  So when the gun went off I didn't start my watch and decided my goal that day was to just run the course and finish.  And I did just that ... I was in pain and I took it slow but I ran the entire course except for the last hill which I have to admit is a Beatch!!  And I survived my week of running!  The goal now is to figure out what is going on with this foot.  I have a lot more runs ahead of me and I can't be sidelined with pain.  I have gone to doctors before with the problem but it is a mystery to all of us since we can't find what is wrong!  This week will be a lot of swimming and biking so we can rest these paws of mine!!

Are we there yet??

Friday, March 1, 2013

A thought...

I have had one thought going through my head lately ... or maybe it is one question....

Can you be your own worst enemy??

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dealing with a new challenge...

The half marathon is scheduled for Sunday, February 24th and on Sunday, February 17th I get hit with a head cold.  I haven't been sick in so long and now I get hit with this.  I am actually home from work today trying to get rid of this thing.  Will this effect me on Sunday?  Right now I feel like crap and I have absolutely no energy!  Let's hope this turns around soon!!

Are we there yet??

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Catching Up

Yes I am still alive!

I know it has been some time since I have written last, three weeks and one day to be exact, but I have a good reason.  Yes I did find my mojo, no I didn't give up on my training ... I GOT A NEW JOB!!  After being out of work for 18 weeks, I was offered a job on January 7th and I accepted the position.  I started work on January 21st and I do love it!!

I accepted a position at Ithaca College in their Alumni Relations department.  My title is Associate Director of Events and Regional Planning.  Was this means is I am overseeing events that are planned by the Alumni Office and also overseeing their alumni groups across the country.  This position will require much travel so I will have to really plan my training accordingly and not use travel as an excuse.

Right now I am still living in Syracuse and traveling to Ithaca every day.  This commute puts 130 miles round trip on my car and tacks on a lot of extra time just sitting in a car.  I have been leaving early in the morning (5:30 AM)  to get my workouts in before work.  I don't mind that because the drive to work is quick that early in the morning but it does make for a very long day and I am tired by the time I get home.

With this position I am able to use the facilities on campus, which includes a beautiful pool, a great indoor track and a wonderful workout facility.  So there are no excuses on my end!!

The training has been going well.  My swim workouts as usual are my favorite and I still don't love the bike but I am getting it done.  I have had some hip issues within the last month and we have contributed that to sitting in the car for so many hours.  So in addition to my regular workouts I have had to add a lot of stretching for the hip. 

This past weekend was a busy one ... swim workout Friday morning, which when I got out of the pool I thought to myself, "I feel great!".  Friday evening I went skiing and it was a beautiful night with great conditions!  Saturday morning I went out for a run and I wasn't looking forward to it but half way through I just kept pushing myself to go further!  And this morning I met friends for a spin workout.  It was tough and I was tired when I finished but not because I was out of shape but tired because it was a tough workout and I left it all there on the trainer!!  It has been a long time since I have said that was a great bike workout!!

Next weekend is the Lake Effect Half Marathon ... I don't know what to expect for this race.  I know I can complete the 13.1 miles I just don't have a good feeling about how fast I will do it.  I have been running and have incorporated speed workouts but I don't know what will next weekend.  All I know is I will cross the finish line.

So I hope this blog finds everyone well.  I am sorry for being MIA but I am still trying to figure out my full schedule with the new job.  And I have to say the blog has been put on hold when the job, training and sleep are a priority!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I lost my mojo...

I know it has been a very long time since my last post ... I have to admit I lost my mojo.  I lost my motivation to train.  I felt like I was going through the motions of my workouts but not giving it everything that I had.  I lost my enthusiasm for my training.  I also started to give up on my nutritional needs and I even had some binge days.  I think I was getting discouraged.  I was training and working on my weight issues but wasn't seeing results so I started to give up.

A binge for me can be a day long event or even just one meal but the results are always the same.  You never feel better than you did when you started eating, in fact you usually feel worse.  And during these periods the gluten that I become for the day or a meal doesn't care that I am trying to lose weight.  And after the binge is over trying to workout was very difficult.  I have no energy or I feel very sick.  It is a ride that goes around in circles and sometimes doesn't stop.  You eat to feel better but you feel worse so you eat some more.  I had to stop this before it got worse!

Instead of throwing in the towel I reached out to my coach and my nutritionist and told them what was happening.  I didn't want to get caught up in the downward spiral and I wanted to stop myself before it got to late.  I know that my coach and my nutritionist can not do the work for me and I am the only one to blame for what was happening but I needed them to tell me all was not lost!  I could do this and I would see results.

On January 6th I ran the Chilly Chili, which is an annual 5K race in the area.  I love this event, even if the course is a bit tough.  Well when I finished I looked at my time and realized I was slower than last year ... in fact 3 minutes slower!  When I talked with my coach I told him about this and he decided I needed to do a Tempo Run.  So the following Saturday my coach and I met at an outdoor track.  I had to do a mile warm-up (just to let you know I never warm-up ... I believe I waste good energy that way) and then I had to run 2 1/2 miles in a certain time.  Every lap I had to stay at 3:08 or below.  Well I did it I stayed at the 3:08 or better for the 2.5 miles.  I thought I was going to die at times but I did it.  When my coach looked at my splits he said to me "Do you know what these times tell me?  They tell me that you dogged the Chilly Chili".  I said to him, "but I wasn't struggling during the race, I felt OK".  He said, "exactly you didn't give it your all".  I think that Saturday I found my Mojo!!

Just going through the motions isn't going to give me the results that I want!!  I want a better time at the 70.3 and I have to work for it!!

I am sure we all have days or weeks like this where we can't get out of our own way but you can't let it get the best of you!  You have to keep fighting.  I will admit during the few days of my binges I fell off the Resolutions Wagon but I am back on it and have not given up!!

By the way I already accomplished one of my resolutions ... I got a new job in 2013!!

Are we there yet?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

173 more days

Today is January 1, 2013 ... there are 173 more days until the Syracuse 70.3 Half Ironman!  How is everyone doing so far on their New Year's Resolutions?  In the last two days I have skied (and my quads and calves feel it), ran and taken a yoga class, in order to kiss 2012 good bye and ring in the New Year!!  Oh what will 2013 have in store for me?  Well I know for sure the next 173 days will be filled with training, training and more training.  Even though I have already begun my training things are going to get "kicked up a notch", if I could quote Emeril Lagasse.

I had a meeting today with my coach to discuss my training, ask any questions I had and discuss what else we could do.   I had to admit to him that I have not been faithful to one section of my training ... the strength training and core work.  I don't know why I hate it so much ... and I always have disliked it too.  I know how important it is and that it will help me a lot to lose more inches and pounds but when it comes down to doing it ... I would rather walk away from it.  But I had to be honest with him about it because if you can't be honest with your coach why bother having a coach.  I made a promise to him today to get it done and to commit to it!

So if I could add to my resolutions/goals ... I need to add in a commitment to completing my strength training and core workouts!

Here is the updated list...
  1. I would like to have a new job in 2013!
  2. I want a better finish time (I will keep my actual goal to myself) at the Syracuse 70.3 Half Ironman ... and I will work hard to make that happen.
  3. To continue to lose the weight and inches that I started to lose in 2012
  4. This next one will be tough but by making it public I hope it gets easier...To give up those food items that I don't know how to eat just a serving size ...this would include CHIPS, SNACK FOOD ETC.
  5. Be committed to completing my strength training/core workouts

I hope you all had a fabulous New Year and that you have stuck to your resolutions/goals so far!

Tri Mo Tri