As many of you might know every triathlete has a weakness and a strength. My strength has always been swimming and my weakness has been biking. However recently my running has gone to pots. After the high blood pressure was detected and I was put on medication and I started having some issues with my breathing. Come to find out the medication I was on was causing me to have asthma. After several months of this my endurance went down and it is frustrating.
I love to swim. It is my favorite thing to do. I love the feel of the water as I glide through it and the sound of the water going by my ears. I love when I look at my weekly workouts and I see a swim day. When you love something it is easy to get excited about it. When it comes easy to you, you want to do it all the time.
Last week I had a swim workout; 150 yards warm up; 600 yards 3 minute rest 600 yards and then a 150 yard cool down. I had to time the two 600 yard swims and try to get the times as close to each other as possible. The first 600 I did in 13:20 and the second 600 I did in 13:35. I was excited about this but at the same time I asked myself why can't I do this when I run? Why can't my runs come as easily to me. I am getting frustrated with my run times.
So I thought about this for a while and I talked to my coach and I shared with her an idea I had. I actually shared this idea in front of witnesses so I couldn't take it back. I decided that for the next two months I will focus more on my running and less on my swimming. For the next two months I will not see a swim workout on my training schedule. My training schedule will be filled with biking and running!! My coach agreed and I am off and running.
Now I know this week when I am doing hill repeats I will be swearing at my self but in the end I want to see my run times improve!
Are we there yet??
I'm a runner, Maura, but I would miss swimming if I eliminated it completely. I need to work on my biking, but it takes so much time. Enjoy those hills--I promise you will see results at the end of the hard work.