Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Putting it all out there...

Since I made the decision not to complete the 70.3 this year I had to refocus and make something else a priority.  That priority is my weight and working at getting it lowered.  I believe by working on the weight loss it everything else will fall into place.  So of course when you are working on calories in and calories out ... sometimes things have to be given up and/or restricted ... if you notice I didn't write that dirty four letter word, D-I-E-T.  I couldn't just start another diet I had to change things in my life.  I decided to start this change by focusing first on some very simple things but keeping in mind that these simple changes can make a huge difference.  These changes are:

1. No Soda
2. No chips (chips, Doritos, Pringle's, Etc..)
3. No processed food
4. No fried food
5. Drink water
6. Get 7 -8 hours of sleep

It's not always easy but all I can do is take it one day at a time and sometimes one meal at a time.   I added the picture above because when I first read it I thought to myself that's such a simple concept.  The hard part is remembering this before you eat!

Another hard thing is putting all of this out there...

Are we there yet ...
Tri Mo Tri

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