Sunday, May 5, 2013

Life or Death...

As the saying goes, When life gives you lemons make lemonade.  Well life gave me lemons this week ... the question is what am I going to do with them?  I always told myself that if I was going to have a blog my posts were going to be honest and I wasn't going to hold back.  I can't just talk about the good stuff, I have to share everything.  

Earlier this week I had scare that turned into something serious. I had some problems with my blood pressure.  Even though I have always struggled with my weight, my blood pressure has never been an issue.  Well on Friday I had my blood pressure taken and it hit numbers I have never even seen ... 204/120.  I was at a friends Chiropractic office and as I sat in his office and he read off the numbers I was in shock and also scared $h--less.  I thought I would just be able to leave his office, but he explained to me that  I would not be going anywhere.  He made an emergency call to my doctor and I was seen right away.  I was then poked and prodded and by then end of the appointment I was on blood pressure medication.

I realize that I am not the only person in the world on this medication but it scared me.  This situation also spoke to me as a sign.  I have been struggling to lose the weight in the hopes to be smaller and be able to fit into smaller clothes.  Now the stakes are higher and it is a matter of life and death.  Dramatic maybe but I want to continue running and swimming and doing triathlons and I don't have time for this to be worse than it is now.

So life gave me lemons what did I do with them ... I went biking on Saturday on a beautiful day that didn't have a cloud in the sky!!  Sunday I ran and tomorrow will be a new day on a new journey!

Boston Strong!!

Tri Mo Tri ... Are we there yet?

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