Monday, January 8, 2018

Sorry... The Post is One Day Late

I apologize for the delay. I know I promised I would write every Sunday but I was traveling for work yesterday. I drove to Philadelphia, had an event to attend in the afternoon. By the time we were done with the event and had dinner I was too tired to write. I arose this morning, ran along the Delaware River and drove back to Ithaca, NY.

The first full week of January went well for me. It was extremely cold but I still tried to make the best of it and get all my workouts done. I actually got two strength conditioning workouts in this week which was a huge accomplishment for me.

Classes started back up today so my life once again will be workouts, work, and school work. I had a few weeks off, which I took total advantage of and I found myself relaxing a bit. I did notice that due to the fact that I did not have to do school work at night, I was putting my morning workouts off until the afternoon. I can not let that happen for the next 16 weeks. Discipline is the key to all of this. I truly believe, if you want something you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse.

As I mentioned this past week was bitter cold and offered much of the country some strange winter storms. Last Monday I ran 10 miles outside. It was cold, but I dressed the part and got it done. I had double and triple layers on all over my body. Under my winter had I had a winter headband for extra cover to my ears and four layers on the upper portion of my body. The sun was out for most of the run which helped a bit but the wind was tough.

Then, Saturday, January 6th came along. It was -2 degrees and the windchill made it feel like a -25 degrees. I love to run outside but even I know my limit. There was no way I could do it. However, the thought of running on a treadmill for 8 miles sounded insane. Then again I think 2 miles on the treadmill is insane. Instead I went to the Athletic and Events Center at the college where I work and ran on the track. 8 miles completed after running about 64 times around the track. I have to admit I don't know how accurate that last number is, I found it hard to keep track of the number of times I went around. The one thing that kept me entertained was the fact that members of our baseball team were practicing in the batting cages and doing drills. Hoping not to get hit by a baseball made me run a bit faster.
Today was the start of a drop back week, since my half marathon is on Sunday. I had to run 30 minutes and it felt down right balmy, with the temperature registering in at 18 or 20 degrees. I ran along the Delaware River in the Penn's Landing of Philadelphia. Although the air felt pretty good, looking out at the the river covered in chunks of ice made it feel a bit cold.

I hope everyone has a great week. In less than 3 days I will be flying to Florida for some warm weather and half marathon #13