Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A mid-week update...

I had an extra day off from work today and during my bike workout I was watching a talk show. The talk show was called "Family & Home" or "Home & Family" on the Hallmark Channel (nothing else was on). The hosts were interviewing a woman who was talking about making New Year's Resolutions. She said that she doesn't make them right away. In fact she waits a month to reflect on the past year and she thinks about what she really wants for the new year. After that month of reflection she usually knows what she wants to work on in the New Year or what new things she would like to try.

It made me think about the resolutions I made. Will I stick with them? Did I make the right ones? Will I succeed? I decided I would take the month of January to reflect. To think about the resolutions I made and decide are they the best ones for me? Don't worry I am not going back on my promise of writing my blog on a weekly basis. I know I need to do this and it will be a great place to share my reflections.

Watching this on the Hallmark Channel made me think of something my colleague and I said throughout the month of December...if all else fails you always have the Hallmark Channel. It helped me out today!!

January 2018 will be my time to reflect!!

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