Thursday, March 9, 2017

You Win Some and You Lose Some

Compression Socks
So at the end of 2016 I started to follow a group on Twitter called @TheRunChat. This group hosts twitter chats on Sunday evenings and so many runners join it from all over the country and Canada! I have really enjoyed these chats and actually look forward to them each week. Every week @TheRunChat asks a series of questions about running, training, races, etc. And as a result of being a part of this group I have started to follow so many other runners of various backgrounds and running levels. In the new year @TheRunChat has also had sponsors as part of the chats and sometimes they are the ones asking the questions. A perk of having these sponsors join the chats they have at times offered opportunities to win their products.

 A few weeks ago ProCompression was a sponsor and they offered a raffle for anyone on the chat to enter and you could win a pair of socks. I decided to take a chance and what do you know...I won a pair of compression socks. I was so excited because I was able to go online and pick the pair I wanted...yes, I picked this color!! I love them!!

Just this past week the sponsor was a half marathon in Nevada. Laughlin, Nevada to be exact. Their questions were focused on our race experiences. What do we like at a race? What do we look for when choosing a race location? What perks do runners like to receive? Well prior to the chat the race and @TheRunChat offered their followers an opportunity to put their name into a drawing to win a race entry. I thought to myself why not, I could knock Nevada off my list! Well at the end of the chat my name was revealed as one of three winners who won a race entry!! I was so excited! Laughlin is 90 minutes south of Vegas, on the Colorado River. It borders Arizona. The race course crosses state lines and time zone and takes place on December 2nd. It's the little things in life that excite me!!

And on March 2, 2017 I lost 100 pounds from my heaviest weight! Some days you lose some. This whole journey started over 2.5 years ago when the scale in my bathroom hit the all time highest I have ever seen it. At that point in my life I was dealing with high blood pressure, and even though I was working out I wasn't enjoying it. I was at a new job where I was commuting almost 3 hours round trip and I knew I had to do something. I started My Fitness Pal and started to lose weight on my own. I had lost over 25 pounds and you know the rest of the story...after losing 25 lbs and exercising I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, cuz life wasn't interesting enough. The next 17 months was a complete struggle until I made the decision of a lifetime...bariatric weightloss surgery. And as a result of all of that I hit the 100 pound mark. This surgery wasn't the magic final answer, it was a tool I needed to help me on my journey.  And if you were wondering, this journey isn't over, there is still work to be done and there will always be work to do!

Continuing the journey

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