Monday, September 26, 2016

Trying On Clothes...

This evening I am watching the first 2016 Presidential debate. While listening I decided I needed to multitask because some of these answers are just crazy ... so I decided to try on clothes in my closet. My wardrobe is getting bigger and bigger. I am not complaining but I need to figure out what I can wear now and I need to distract myself.

Even though I know I have lost weight sometimes it is hard to see yourself thinner when you have seen yourself fat for so long! I need to tell myself that these clothes are hanging off of me and I need to let them go! Psychologically this is tough. How many of us have saved clothes, because someday you may need them? I don't want them and I will not go back!

So far my clothes donation pile is getting higher and I have a lot of empty hangers! I tried on an LL Bean winter jacket I bought last year, one that I love so much, but it is huge on me. I will need to purchase a new one soon.

As much as this debate is upsetting me the closet clean out is not!! Looking forward to a small shopping spree soon.
I think it is time for a new jacket!

Yeah I would like a new jacket!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


It has been over 8 weeks since my bariatric surgery (RNY) and I can, with 100% certainty, say that this is not easy and I don't know everything. Especially after the last 32 hours! Three months ago if I was traveling for work and I was taking an alumnus/alumna out to lunch or dinner I wouldn't even think twice. I would order something that sounded yummy on the menu and probably eat the whole thing.

Since the surgery it isn't that easy. In fact it causes me a bit of anxiety. Will I order the wrong thing? Will it disagree with me? Will I eat too much? Within the last 32 hours I have struggled with where I should eat, what I should order and how much I should eat? I probably should admit I haven't made the best choices.

Granted I can look back at every meal and know that I barely ate anything (for a normal person). For example I went to dinner on Friday evening and when the waiter finally took my plate away (after 40 minutes...yes I time myself) most people would probably say, did you even touch the meal? However, I left the restaurant feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. I ate one too many bites. Of course right away I started to beat myself up. Why did I do that? Why didn't I just listen to my body? However, a few months ago I would probably have eaten the entire meal and I didn't do that, not even half. I am not making excuses just trying to make myself feel better.

When I am home I weigh and measure everything I eat. I plan every meal so being on the road, not always knowing how things are made or how much will be served can be difficult. Yes, I pack protein bars and other snacks to have on hand. I have also shopped at grocery stores in different cities to pick up some meals but I am sure not our alumni wouldn't be into going to the deli counter at Ralph's in LA!?!? But maybe they are?!?

I need to figure this out because I can't ask every alumnus/alumna out for coffee/tea...I would be supper high on caffeine!

I know this post is probably all over the place but that is how I feel right now. A good friend of mine, who is a fantastic writer, once shared that sometimes you just have to put thoughts down on paper and not worry about making sense!

PS: For those who don't know me, I work in the field of alumni relations in higher education and I travel a lot!

On a new journey!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Another Quick Update...

I am almost at 8 weeks post surgery and every little measurement or accomplishment keeps me going. When I was in college the school that I attended had so many traditions. One was a class ring that everyone ordered. Or I am going to assume that everyone ordered because I know of no one who didn't order one. We ordered the rings at the end of our sophomore year and they were delivered during our Junior year. Part of the tradition is the school holds a ring ceremony and being a Catholic School the rings were blessed during this ceremony.

I never ordered a high school ring, because I always thought they were ugly but I was very proud of my college ring. I wore it for years post graduation. However, within the last 10 years I haven't worn the ring because it didn't fit any more. The day before the surgery I took the ring out of a drawer but left it in it's box. Just this last week I decided to try it on ...It fit!!

A new journey!!
My College Ring!

It FITS!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quick Update

Race Number and Race Shirt
On Sunday, September 11th I ran in the GySgt Thomas J Sullivan 5K Remembrance Run. This run was organized to honor the memory of a soldier who was killed in Chattanooga a year ago. Tommy Sullivan grew up in the same neighborhood as I did and I saw this race as an opportunity to respect his memory and also do my first race post surgery. I was so happy with my time and how I felt on the course. I completed the race in 38:55 (according to my watch). According to the race (gun time) had me completing the race doing a 12:37/mile. I was so excited when I saw that! I have other races scheduled in the near future so I am excited to see what my future holds for me and my finish times.

The second quick up date I want to share is this morning I flew from Syracuse, NY to LA. For the last few years every time I boarded a plane I would say a little prayer, begging God that the seat belt would fit. Twice in the past I have had to ask for an extension...which was embarrassing. Some people may think that twice isn't that many times but for me it was too many. I learned to ask for the extension as soon as I boarded that way no one would know I needed one. Well today I got on the plane, went to my seat and buckled myself in for the ride. Not only did I fasten the seat belt but I was able to pull it tight!!

Some times the little things mean so much!!

New Journey!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Updates: 6 weeks tomorrow

Just completed 5 miles
This past week has been a busy one personally and professionally. As of tomorrow I am 6 weeks post surgery and even though I feel great and have had few problems I can say that it hasn't been easy. Prior to my decision to have this surgery I went to the bariatric support group to meet with other patients. I remember during that meeting a woman looked at me and said "there is nothing easy about this surgery". Well I can say without a doubt that this is true.

Every day I have to think about the amount of protein I eat. I have to think about not eating too fast or too much at one time. I can't drink anything while I eat due to the space in my stomach. I have to read every label and make sure there isn't any added sugar. Finally I am also limited on what items I can take in and not knowing how something is cooked makes a huge difference. I am not complaining because I am willing to do all of this in order to achieve success. However, I have to think about these things prior to going out with friends, going to the Great NY State Fair or traveling for work.

I have to admit I have not gone out for dinner or lunch. And I have not ordered out since the surgery. This past week was a first. I was traveling for work and I have to admit I was nervous. It was a quick trip down and back to NYC but what could I bring with me? Where could I eat? I had plans to meet two alumni for lunch so I had to plan what I could order. I checked out the menu online prior to arriving at the restaurant. You see if I order the wrong thing it can cause some serious problems. So I went with the gnocchi with a basic red sauce. Gnocchi is a very soft potato pasta which is allowed so far on my diet. Of course when my plate came I didn't even get through half of it but all was good and I made a great choice.

The pasta was a positive choice but earlier in that morning I made a cup of tea. When I usually make a cup of tea I add equal and skim milk. I drink tea like other people drink coffee so the fact that I am still able to drink my tea post surgery is a wonderful thing. So Wednesday morning on my way to NYC I was on the Cornell bus that travels from Ithaca to NYC daily. It is a relaxing way to get into the city. Someone else drives, there is free wifi, and free snacks and drinks. Around 8 am that morning I started to eat my breakfast and decided to have a cup of tea too. I forgot that on the bus they do not have equal or skim milk but I thought to myself how much trouble would a little bit of sugar and some half n half cause? Well I learned the hard way and I couldn't even believe how fast of a reaction my body had to these illegal substances! I didn't even finish the cup, I had probably two sips (it was hot). Well what happened next was not fun. I had indigestion, pain in my chest that felt like a heart attack, nausea and finally I was running to the bathroom (on a bus ) to get sick. Yes this is what was described would happen. They call it "dumping" (I am sorry for the word it doesn't even sound fun) and every bariatric patient I have talked with has gone through it, so there was my initiation! And I hope I never go through it again!

Once I returned from NYC I had plans to go to the GREAT NEW YORK STATE FAIR!! It is my annual trip and I will admit I love going! I was never the person who went to eat their way through the fair, in fact "fair day" was always my best diet day. However, prior to the surgery I looked forward to drinking some chocolate milk, having some Saranac root beer and if I wanted something else I knew I could get a sandwich or a burger without any problems. On this trip it was different, I couldn't have any chocolate milk or root beer. The one item I could still have was the $1 baked potato. I looked forward to it and I was very happy when I finally got through the line and picked up my baked potato. I think I was also the only person at the fair who packed her own food. I had to be prepared. With or without the food, I always enjoy the fair. It is a great place to walk around and the best place to people watch. Also where else can you see cows, pigs and goats!

So this week I also had some non-scale achievements. While at the fair I saw a booth that was selling running/workout clothes. So I stopped by. They had running tights for $19, I couldn't believe it. So I started talking with the guy working the booth and he told me that if I bought the tights I could get a top for $10! So I thought what's the harm in trying them on. Well this was a first both the top and bottoms fit and weren't tight. I was actually able to purchase normal people clothes. Of course the sales guy was very concerned that I had to have a matching top. I laughed and said well that would be a first because I never match when I run. I would put things on that fit. Now I have a matching outfit!!

The second non-scale achievement happened during the week. I had purchased some clothes at Kohl's with a coupon I had received. I was excited to purchase several items that were all in smaller sizes. Before I went to the check out I picked up two shirts that were on sale but I didn't try them on. When I got home one fit but the second one was too big. So today I had to return to the store and exchange for a SMALLER size! And finally tonight I went to the weekly support group of bariatric patients. I walked in a few minutes passed 6 and everyone stopped talking and looked at me. They were filled with congratulations and told me how wonderful I looked. I hadn't seen the group in about three weeks. It's nice for others to notice because sometimes its hard for me to see it every day.

Tomorrow is another day and I am excited to face each new one!!