Sunday, August 7, 2016

First Run Complete ... Post Surgery

Here it is ... I completed my first run post surgery. It was an easy 35 minute run/walk and I felt great. I will admit I was nervous when I first started. I didn't know what to expect. However, as the minutes passed by the nerves disappeared and I felt like I could have run for ever!

I didn't want to over do it on my first time out but I was quite surprised at how well it went. For a while it will be easy runs until I can balance distance with nutrition. Understanding what my body can handle and what it can take in during endurance training is so important.

So what will I do today ... I am going back and forth between another run or a swim. I haven't decided yet.

Back to work tomorrow...I have to set my alarm...ugh! Just kidding I really do want to go back to work.

So many more adventures ahead ... stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog. Thanks for the updates. Your journey is so inspiring. I figured it could help me to read about your routine because I am afraid to try to run, after re-injuring my foot, ankle and knee. Thanks to you, I will try again with the walk/run. I have to admit, I may just turn out to be a walker....
