Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40+ days

Today is Ash Wednesday ... the beginning of Lent! Forty plus days until Easter.  Yes, as Christians we often say 40 days until Easter.  However, if you count and include Sundays there are 46 days until Easter.  Lent is a time for Christians to prepare for Jesus' death and ultimately His resurrection.  During this time Christians prepare through sacrifice and spiritual reflection.

I am going to take advantage of this time to sacrifice things, renew my commitment to myself and my own spiritual growth.  I believe by strengthening my Spirit, Mind and Body during these 40 days I will be prepared for the prepared for the Joyous time they call Easter and be able to recommit to what I find important.

What do I plan to do you ask?

Declutter the house over the 40+ days - I need to clean out this space in order to help renew my spirit.  Every day I will take care of a different area even if it is just a pile of mail.

To be in bed by 10:30 PM

Get my workouts done in the morning

No Popcorn (I eat it almost every night)
No Doritos - my go to comfort food
No Pringles - my go to comfort food
No chips & Dip - my go to comfort food
No processed food

Make a commitment to go back to church

My spirit is broken and I need to renew it and recommit to myself.  This is a time to prepare and reflect!

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