Wednesday, March 19, 2014

30 Day Challenge

I am taking on a challenge, a 30 day challenge.  I read that if you are going to take on something like this it is best to make it public so everyone will know. So hear it is ... THE 30 DAY TRAINING CHALLENGE!

I have been slacking with my workouts and training.  I have been using every excuse known.  My favorite and most convenient excuse has been work travel.  The only one I am hurting with these excuses is me.  My workouts have been hit or miss and my weight is at an all time high.  The reason I know my weight is at an all time high is because I headed back to Weight Watchers last night.  I figure if I am going to take on this challenge it has to include my food choices too.  And at the rate that I have been going I won't be heading to any start lines let alone finish lines.  I am heading towards destruction and it doesn't look pretty.  So it is time to make a change.

So today starts a new day.  Day 1 of the 30 day challenge!  Today's workout will be a run and I can't leave campus tonight until it is done!  Every day I will train for 30 days.  I will swim, bike, run or strength train.  I know what you are all thinking ... you need a rest day.  I have had too many rest days already and some days will not be as intense as others.

Back in 2005 I completed a marathon in San Francisco and the medal that everyone received when they crossed the finish line was a Tiffany necklace.  I wear this necklace almost every day to remind me that I can do it.  Well I took the medal off and told myself when I complete this 30 day challenge I can put the necklace back on!


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