Sunday, January 5, 2014

traveling and training

Today I went for a run, did laundry and started packing for work travel that I have this coming week.   My job has me on the road quite a bit which makes it interesting when training.  Most hotels have "fitness centers" but the majority are lacking a good pool.  I have to admit I use the term "fitness centers" loosely because usually a hotel's fitness area is made up of a closet with an old treadmill, some free weights and a recumbent bike ( I hate recumbent bikes).  If I am lucky my hotel is located in an area that has either a running path or well paved streets.  Earlier this fall I was in Chicago and took advantage of the lake shore.  It was a great experience running along Lake Michigan.

Last week when I was home in Massachusetts for Christmas, it was easy to transport my bike and get my workouts done.  However when you are traveling via mini van with other co-workers, then onto an express train and finally a bus back home it is difficult to transport your bike.

When traveling your day usually does not following its normal schedule.  Travel can get interrupted and you usually are attending meetings and events at all hours.  You have to be dedicated to your training.  Get it done when you can and make sure you get plenty of sleep.  In September I traveled for a week out west.  On one of the legs of the tour I ended up in the fitness center of my hotel at 1 AM ... sometimes you have to do what you got to do.  That night I chose my workout over sleep!

Let's hope that the hotels I am staying in this week have really nice fitness centers.  Fingers Crossed!

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