Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday

I am sorry I missed last week's Blog, I was traveling and did not get a chance to get it done. Today is April 1, as far as months go it is a clean slate, a fresh start. It is also Easter Sunday and for many, myself included, we can see today as a rebirth. I know I have said this before but I am saying it again. During this new day, new month, rebirth...I am committing myself to a strength training schedule during the month of April.

I know, I know, I talk about this all the time but I figure at some point it will stick. It took me several tries to become committed to a my morning workouts and I finally did it...I now workout in the morning and I love it. So I know eventually this commitment to strength training will stick and I am looking forward to the results.

I am asking myself the question below every day!! I hope everyone had a Happy Easter, a Wonderful Passover, and enjoyed their Sunday Runday!!

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