Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 2 & 3

Completed three days of the thirty day challenge. Yesterday I had a strength training workout and walked. Today before I left Boston I went out for a run. In the morning I tried to talk myself out of it, telling myself I will do it later. However I know myself and later would never happen. So I made a deal with myself and said, if you go out for a run in the morning your route can end at paneras and breakfast will be waiting. So I headed out on the cool sunny morning and ran along the wharfs, into the North End and back and finished at Paneras. It is nice to know your workout is done and the entire day is ahead.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


DAY ONE ... of the 30 day challenge is complete.  I ran after work and as promised I completed the workout before I left campus tonight.  Tomorrow I travel to Boston for work so I am trying to figure out when I am going to get my workout in during the day.  Will I do it before I leave or hope to get something in when I arrive?  This is when travel becomes a challenge.  Stay tuned and I will let you know tomorrow.

30 Day Challenge

I am taking on a challenge, a 30 day challenge.  I read that if you are going to take on something like this it is best to make it public so everyone will know. So hear it is ... THE 30 DAY TRAINING CHALLENGE!

I have been slacking with my workouts and training.  I have been using every excuse known.  My favorite and most convenient excuse has been work travel.  The only one I am hurting with these excuses is me.  My workouts have been hit or miss and my weight is at an all time high.  The reason I know my weight is at an all time high is because I headed back to Weight Watchers last night.  I figure if I am going to take on this challenge it has to include my food choices too.  And at the rate that I have been going I won't be heading to any start lines let alone finish lines.  I am heading towards destruction and it doesn't look pretty.  So it is time to make a change.

So today starts a new day.  Day 1 of the 30 day challenge!  Today's workout will be a run and I can't leave campus tonight until it is done!  Every day I will train for 30 days.  I will swim, bike, run or strength train.  I know what you are all thinking ... you need a rest day.  I have had too many rest days already and some days will not be as intense as others.

Back in 2005 I completed a marathon in San Francisco and the medal that everyone received when they crossed the finish line was a Tiffany necklace.  I wear this necklace almost every day to remind me that I can do it.  Well I took the medal off and told myself when I complete this 30 day challenge I can put the necklace back on!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Quiet Time

Some times you need to take advantage of quiet times.  It's often a gift you weren't expecting.  And sometimes you don't even realize you needed it until you are in the midst of it.  Today I attended an all day conference/retreat at work.  It's one of those retreats that you find yourself thinking all day long and by the end of the day you are brain dead.  It was a good day and a lot was accomplished but by the end you were done.  The gift that was given to us is that we were able to leave work early.  I decided to take advantage.  I got up this morning and swam so I didn't have to complete a workout so I gladly left when we were done.  I walked outside and the sun was shining and the temperature was about 30 degrees.  I ran a couple of errands and then I headed home.  I was in my house before 5 pm and I couldn't tell you the last time that happened.  I got changed out of my work clothes, put my sweats on, made a cup of tea and sat on the couch.  There wasn't any noise and it was heaven.  I didn't realize I needed that until I took advantage of it.  We all need time to rejuvenate our souls.  We need time to recover from all that life dishes out.

Sometimes we need to take the time to rediscover who were are and what we want.  To reconnect spiritually.  This usually takes longer than a quiet 30 minutes on the couch but I can tell you there will be a cup of tea involved.  This is what I am working on now and this quiet afternoon was a special gift I didn't see coming!

Day two of lent and I was in bed at 10:30 PM, up at 6 and got my workouts done before work!!!

Tri Mo Tri

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40+ days

Today is Ash Wednesday ... the beginning of Lent! Forty plus days until Easter.  Yes, as Christians we often say 40 days until Easter.  However, if you count and include Sundays there are 46 days until Easter.  Lent is a time for Christians to prepare for Jesus' death and ultimately His resurrection.  During this time Christians prepare through sacrifice and spiritual reflection.

I am going to take advantage of this time to sacrifice things, renew my commitment to myself and my own spiritual growth.  I believe by strengthening my Spirit, Mind and Body during these 40 days I will be prepared for the prepared for the Joyous time they call Easter and be able to recommit to what I find important.

What do I plan to do you ask?

Declutter the house over the 40+ days - I need to clean out this space in order to help renew my spirit.  Every day I will take care of a different area even if it is just a pile of mail.

To be in bed by 10:30 PM

Get my workouts done in the morning

No Popcorn (I eat it almost every night)
No Doritos - my go to comfort food
No Pringles - my go to comfort food
No chips & Dip - my go to comfort food
No processed food

Make a commitment to go back to church

My spirit is broken and I need to renew it and recommit to myself.  This is a time to prepare and reflect!