Sunday, September 30, 2018

Making a Comeback!!

I promised myself in January that I would write a blog post at least once a week. I designated that one day to be Sundays. I was doing really well until I took a break over the summer but now I am trying to work on this promise again.

So this week included some work travel, early morning runs, a discovery and a bit of a comeback.

The last three weeks, since the 70.3 have been rough. Some called it post race depression others said it was my body trying to recover. I called it a matter what you call it, it wasn't fun, I had to learn to listen to my body and give it what it needed. On some days all it needed was rest. For the first time this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday I felt like I was back to my old self.

Earlier this week I was in DC for week. I had some meetings and an event so I had to get my run in very early. I headed out of my hotel not far from Dupont Circle and headed to the National Mall. I headed out long before the sun came up and was back to my hotel just after it came up. I ran through Washington Square, George Washington University's campus, by the White House, and down to the Mall. It was peaceful so early in the morning. Somewhat the calm before the storm since there was so much happening up on the Hill that day. I love to go out for runs in large cities early in the morning before there is too much traffic and the tourist leave their hotel rooms. It's also nice to check the workout off the list before the day begins!!

I also discovered something about myself after looking at a pattern of events in my life. What I discovered really shouldn't have taken rocket science but sometimes I have to be hit over the head in order to figure things out. Post bariatric surgery I was told by the nutritionist that I need to limit the intake of sugar. I need to read labels and make sure that I am not taking in more than 10 grams of sugar per item of food. Prior to the surgery I was NEVER a BIG sweet eater. Sure I loved oatmeal cookies with raisins but who doesn't? I never craved chocolate or other items like that I was more into chips and pasta. Since the surgery I rarely eat pasta and I never have a desire for chips. However, for some reason I am want sweets and desserts. If I give in it is hard to stop. Lately, I have been giving in a lot and I need to stop. The pattern that I discovered is, if I end up eating food full of sugar or eat too much sugary foods I end up sick the next day. As a result it is affecting my workouts. The food isn't affecting my workouts based on the lack of nutritional value it is affecting my morning workouts. Due to the fact that I don't feel well after eating too much sugar, I don't feel like working out in the morning. I need to avoid eating this evil and make a commitment to this goal.

I have always worked at making this blog an honest place...honest with myself and honest with you. So here is my goal. For the next 31 days (the month of October) I will avoid candy/desserts and start reading the food labels again. I can't afford to miss my morning workouts because of my stupidity when it comes to my body's reaction to sugar. Tomorrow is Day one and October 1!!

So for the last three weeks I have been struggling to get back into a groove since completing the 70.3. My body has been tired and my runs have not been going well. This weekend I finally felt like myself again. I ran the longest I have run since the 70.3 and it felt great. I was hoping for a sub 12 minute mile overall. It didn't happen but I was happy with how things went today. I think I am back! I was getting nervous that I wouldn't have gotten out of this funk or "post event depression".Tomorrow I am back on the bike and it will be nice to spin the legs on the bike trainer.

I wanted to share this picture with you. It is one of the ones I ordered from the Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid. This picture was taken right before I entered the Olympic Oval to make my way to the finish line. It made me laugh and excited all at the same time. You can't tell from this picture but both feet are actually off the ground. My friend Cheryl is running along the street next to me cheering me on. I was telling her to stop or she would make me cry before I entered the oval. As I yelled that too her the photographer, sitting on the ground, began to laugh and had to stop taking pictures!! It was a a great day!!

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