Sunday, April 29, 2018

A lift, a PR, in honor of a friend, and remembering another.

So for the most part this week has been like any other. I got on my bike trainer, got in the pool, and did some running. The big difference in my weekly workouts was, I actually added strength training 3 times this week. This was huge for me. I know so many others love to lift heavy things but I would rather go out for a run.

Recently I purchased a few additional weight training pieces of equipment and set them up right in the middle of my living room. I figured if I could see it every day, there was no way to avoid it. So far so good. I am optimistic about what this week will hold. I have some work travel on the schedule but I will not let that stop me.

By the end of the week I traveled to Northern Virginia to get ready for another half marathon. I had registered for the National Women's Half Marathon in DC. The race was scheduled for Sunday (early) morning. With that in mind I was planning on following my normal pre-race strategy! My pre-race strategy included an easy run on Saturday (2.3 miles) followed by yummy pancakes.

Since my surgery their are very few times that I eat pancakes. The times include a visit to a sugar shack on Ithaca College's campus and the mornings before my endurance races. I keep the rest of my diet prior to the race very simple and bland but the pancakes seem to help. I look forward to the "treat" and so far I have felt great the day of the race. I don't know if it is the pancakes or not but I like to give them credit ;-)

This Sunday was half marathon number 14 for me.
Prior to Sunday my last half marathon was held in Florida in January. At the end of that that half marathon I had taken 13 minutes off my finish time and I was excited. I have to admit I didn't know if I could do that time again. I went into today's race without any expectations but I did set a goal hoping it would happen.

I wrote down a time and put it in my phone case. I didn't know how the day would go but I thought I would shoot for something. It was a beautiful day, except for the wind. The temperature during the morning was 47 degrees but with the constant wind along the Potomac River it was sooooo cold. It took forever to warm up and even when the race was over I couldn't get warm.

The race started and I just wanted to get moving to warm up. I might have gone out too fast but I was able to hold up the pace for a while. Around mile 5 my watch froze up. It had displayed a message about my heart rate. I didn't pay much attention to it but about a half mile later I looked at my watch and the same message was there. I started pushing buttons and realized that my watch had stopped. I got it going again but now I was off about .5-.6 miles. So the rest of the race I had to run based upon how my body felt. And I was feeling good. I continued through the course passing by monuments and landmarks that brought back memories from when I lived in the DC area. As I got closer to the finish I started to kick things up a bit. I crossed the finish line but I still didn't know my official time. I went to the timing tent after I finished and my time was official time was 2:21:21!! I couldn't believe it. That is the time I wrote down and I took a minute off my time in Florida! I couldn't believe it and I was soooo happy!!

Another thing about today. I was running in honor of a friend. My boss, my colleague, and my friend Claudia. Two weeks ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. This news devastated all of us at work. She is a young, strong, and "healthy" (well...that is for you Claudia) individual that we all know will fight this tooth and nail! On Thursday we did get some good news about Claudia's fight which made us all optimistic and gave us something to smile about. Today I ran for her. I added this note to my phone holder, and kept in the window so I could see it throughout the race. Just keep showing up Claudia...and remember no one fights alone!!

Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of when my friend and first endurance coach; Brendan Jackson was called home to heaven. Thoughts of Brendan carried me through this race today! Brendan you coached me through my first marathon in 2005 and you never stopped. And no matter what the race, if you were officially coaching or not, you were always there with an encouraging word or pushing me along. You believed in me when often I couldn’t see it myself. There isn't a training run or a race that I don't hear your voice whispering in the wind! "Let's Go Maura D!" I look for your face in the crowd! And although you are no longer with us on earth I know your spirit is still alive all around us. I miss you!!

Have a great week everyone ...and remember Keep Moving Forward!!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Another Week - Work Travel included - April 22

It's amazing what some sun and warm temperatures can do for you! This week I saw snow, cold, sun, and warm temperatures.

On Monday I got in the pool. I hadn't been swimming in quite some time. I have to admit that I felt that fact...I was not as fast as usual and I was tired during the workout. But I got in...which is a great accomplishment. Tuesday I got on my bike and in the afternoon headed to NYC for work. I will admit I was supposed to run on Tuesday but when I got up and saw it was snowing again, I lost it a bit. I just didn't have it in me that day to put the layers on again!

On Wednesday morning I got up and ran in Central Park. I completed a 5 mile fun through the park in 43 degree weather. The sun was shining and flowers were blooming. It was heavenly! Travel day on Thursday brought on a rest day. On Friday the warm temperatures continued and I had a speed workout on the schedule. The workout went well, in fact every mile was faster than the previous one. I finished up the week of training with a ride on my bike trainer, some strength training, and a 6 mile run on Sunday. With the temperatures getting close to 60 you couldn't have asked for a better day.

Today was the last long training run for my next half marathon. Next week I will be on the start line of my 14th half marathon. I will be participating in the inaugural National Women's Half Marathon, and I am excited. Training has gone well despite the cold and snow, I didn't let it stop me, except for this past Tuesday, ha ha!

Did you notice I said I completed a strength workout this week. I setup shop in my living room. I figured if I
saw it every day there was no way I could ignore it. I know how important it is and I have goals I need to achieve. I also know by adding strength training in on a regular basis will help me achieve these goals. Today I actually measured parts of my body so that as I continue this regimen I can measure the results. Yes, it is using numbers to measure my results but I am not just focused on the scale!

Finally I am curious to see if anyone noticed I changed the title of my blog? It is the same blog that I started in 2012 but over time goals, situations, and my focus has changed. So I have decided that my blog needed to change with me. I am a post bariatric weight-loss surgery athlete and this affects my daily life and my training. It is not a bad thing, that is for sure, I just approach my days differently. On a continuous journey...setting goals along the way.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sunday, April 15 -

I felt a bit better this week. I increased the protein, decreased the carbs, especially the carbs made with flour. The scale dropped 1 or 2 pounds (heading in the right direction) but what's really important is that I felt so much better. I did not feel as bloated and emotionally, I felt a bit better about myself.

On Wednesday, the 11th of April I listened to my body and took a rest day. I had worked out for 10 days in a row and by Wednesday I will admit I was physically tired. I often have people question my training because I do not take many rest days. I know rest days are important but so are my workouts for so many reasons. However, when my body really needs it I know and I listen to it. And this week I did.

This week contained work, school work, and workouts. There have been a lot of emotions as I have said some prayers and shed some tears for friends...but that story is for another day.

this week it's a short and sweet post...just know I am working very hard to keep moving in the right direction!!

Off to bed!

Keep Moving Forward!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Body Composition Test

This week several things happened that I need to share with you in order to bring you up to date. A year ago at this time I was down in Florida visiting a friend. I had taken a picture at the beach and compared it to a picture I had taken down in Florida the year earlier. This picture came up in my memory feed on Facebook and it brought me back to a time I felt so good about myself. 

I still feel good about myself but everyday is hard work and a bit of a struggle. I am working very hard everyday to keep the scale down and my workouts up! Prior to the surgery the numbers on the scale controlled me and even now they continue to do that. Old habits are sneaking back in...stress eating, mindless eating, and eating when tired.

Three weeks ago I went to see my surgeon and started having conversations about my concerns and fears. He understood but was happy that I was aware that these struggles were going on and that I was not ignoring them. This past week, three weeks after my doctor's appointment, I met with the nutritionist. Of course before all appointments begin you have to record your weight. Although I am not thrilled with the numbers I can say that the scale did not move. I stayed the same. Now I am not saying that I have gained back 100 pounds but the scale has gone up a good 5 -7 pounds. Of course it goes down a few and then back up again...the struggle is real. The struggle is real and it also terrifies me!!

During the appointment with my nutritionist, we discuss many I deal with stress of work, travel, training, and school? Am I getting enough sleep? Should I go back to meditating on a daily basis? Am I taking in enough water and protein? All things I will focus on over the next  two months before I go back an see her in June. I would like to share one highlight of the appointment. I had my body composition done while in the office. The first time is a base and every time I go back to the office I can have it taken again. While the machine was recording everything my nutritionist told me that the muscle-fat analysis was one of the best she every seen compared to other bariatric patients. I was proud of that. Out of my total weight, my lean body mass is 108.0 and my body fat mass is 54.5 (yes you can add that together and you will know how much I weigh now)!

Of course being the goal setter that I am...I will work on increasing the lean body mass and decreasing the fat mass!

That same day I headed up to Syracuse to speak to a group of students in a sports nutrition class at Syracuse University. A friend of my is a professor and asked if I would come and speak to her class. The topic was post-bariatric weightloss surgery athletes! This is the second time I have spoken to her class and I love it. I learn so much and find myself researching things I don't know based on the great questions I receive from the students. I hope I am asked again because I love it. I will also share with you there is very little research out there about post bariatric surgery athletes! There is a lot of trial and error but not many concrete answers.

I wanted to end with this picture...I went out for an 11 mile run and ended up in a snow globe! Seriously it is APRIL!! I love winter but I will tell you right now I am done!! Where is spring? Three weeks until my next half marathon (lets hope it is warmer...but not too warm in DC).

For now I will keep training and working on the daily struggles. The surgery is only a tool to help with my weight loss and healthy goals. I need to do the work!!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Sunday Cont...

So I realized after I posted yesterday's blog the quote I attached did not show up...obviously having some technical difficulties. The quote is:

Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow!

If you have set a goal for yourself are you working towards it? Are you doing things today that will help you tomorrow?

These are the things I have to ask myself. What will get me over this hump or obstacle that is holding me back from making strength training a habit?

Have a great Monday..

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday

I am sorry I missed last week's Blog, I was traveling and did not get a chance to get it done. Today is April 1, as far as months go it is a clean slate, a fresh start. It is also Easter Sunday and for many, myself included, we can see today as a rebirth. I know I have said this before but I am saying it again. During this new day, new month, rebirth...I am committing myself to a strength training schedule during the month of April.

I know, I know, I talk about this all the time but I figure at some point it will stick. It took me several tries to become committed to a my morning workouts and I finally did it...I now workout in the morning and I love it. So I know eventually this commitment to strength training will stick and I am looking forward to the results.

I am asking myself the question below every day!! I hope everyone had a Happy Easter, a Wonderful Passover, and enjoyed their Sunday Runday!!