Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Too many days off!

At the beginning of November I challenged myself to 30 workouts in 30 days. As you can see by the picture to the left I completed 27 workouts in 30 days. The three days that I missed were as a result of travel days for work Some days, due to early flights, late flights or long travel days, it can be tough to get a workout done. I try very hard but some days my body just screams for rest.

Even though I didn't complete my goal I was very proud of the 27 workouts I did. I don't think that is something to be ashamed of, instead I celebrate it. The only problem is that December doesn't look as good so far...

 I started off strong December 1st and 2nd but told myself to take a rest day on December 3rd. I was traveling in Chicago, hosting a volunteer retreat that took a lot out of me. I didn't want to worry about missing a workout so I gave myself permission to take the rest day. On Sunday my travel plans originally had me home with plenty of time to workout in the evening. However, the weather and American Airlines had other plans. My flight was cancelled and I was staying in Chicago an extra night. Since Sunday I have been exhausted and I haven't completed my workouts in the morning. By the time I get out of work in the evening, working out is the last thing I want to do! So now I have missed four days and I can feel it!!

Tonight I am challenging myself to get up in the morning and complete my workout before work. This will happen on Thursday, December 8th. I have officially circled the date on my calendar and I am telling all of you. I will get it done and I give you permission to check in on me tomorrow!

Other updates ... I am officially down 60 pounds! I feel great!

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