Sunday, March 27, 2016

A New Week

Happy Easter ... Easter represents so many things but to name a few, a new beginning, a rebirth and spring! So it is fitting that this Sunday is the beginning of a new week. I looked at my schedule last week and I completed my workouts in the morning Monday - Friday. I had stated that if my travel schedule allowed it I would run but the day did not allow me the time. I did have a great day I went to Gettysburg for the first time and took a walk through history! So what will this week hold?

Sunday - Walked 40 minutes (complete)
Monday - Bike (in the evening ... will be traveling during the day, Virginia back to New York)
Tuesday - Bike - in the morning
Wednesday - Swim - in the morning
Thursday - Run in the morning
Friday - Swim in the morning
Saturday - Rest Day (traveling all day)

I have to admit I love having my workouts done in the morning so there is no pressure to get it done after work but I am still not used to the alarm going off! I am hoping over time it will get easier.

Here's to a new week!!

Keep moving forward and GO Syracuse Orange!!

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