Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sometimes a run is all you need...

This month is going to be crazy! It is only August 4th and I am already saying this. I have seven work events that are planned along with multiple trips scheduled each week. The last two evenings I left work at 7:15 pm ... not because my work was done but because I was hungry and wanted dinner. The past two days I had planned to swim after work, but by the time I left the office the pool was closed so my gym bag was dragged back home. Last night I got home and it was thundering and pouring rain so I just made dinner and sat on the couch. Tonight it was a beautiful evening and I couldn't miss another workout.

This morning I saw the above post and I couldn't agree more. Tonight I was tired and hungry but I knew I needed to move. I put dinner in the oven and went out for a quick run. The oven timer was set for 45 minutes and I was back in 44 minutes, happy that I completed the workout.

When I was out for the run I passed a couple that was walking. They cheered for me when I passed and said that I was doing better than them. I in-turn cheered for them and said as long as you are moving forward that is all that counts. As much as my job takes up so much of my life, I can't let it affect my health, I must keep moving forward. My workouts are too important. My workouts challenge me, relax me and empower me! My workouts make me a better person, my workouts help me move forward.

After my run tonight I felt great. Happy that I completed it and happy that I didn't find an excuse not to do it. I told myself while I was on the run that if I kept moving I would reward myself with a treat...

There is my treat ... a nice cold glass of chocolate milk. Sometimes all you need is a run and maybe some chocolate milk to make you happy!!

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