This past Saturday I completed a 5K (3.1 miles) open water swim. I love to swim, it is actually my favorite exercise, but this past weekend's event was tough.The water was rough and choppy and I had a lot of trouble with leg cramps. It was a great event and I will definitely sign up again ... I need to beat my time.
I have always struggled with the same thing my whole life, my weight. At times it has held me back and at other times I try to prove I am better than my weight. I have never disliked physical activities. I have run, biked and swam for 100s and 100s of miles and yet my weight is still and issue. To reiterate what I stated in my last post I have six months to get my weight under control. Exercise will not be enough. I have to watch not only my carbohydrate intake but also the amount of fat I intake too. Is it more important to weigh myself at home and use the same scale I have always been using or do I use a different scale during these 6 months. I have been thinking about using the scale at the gym and weigh in once a week. With tomorrow being the first of September, I will make a decision in the AM and post my weight.
I have another goal as we start September. My sister, who is a teacher, often says that September is her "new year" so she sets her resolutions in September rather than January. I thought I would do that too this year. My resolutions in January were surrounded around my health and this September it is a continuation. I need to get my weight under control and I would also like to move my bike now. My bike taunts me. It is setup in my living room and every day it looks at me and laughs. I always have great intentions of riding my bike outside or on my trainer but every time I make the plan I find an excuse. Of the three disciplines of triathlon the bike is my weakest. Knowing the fact that it is my weakest or should I put it bluntly, I stink at it, I should want to get on the bike more, but I don't. There is something holding me back. Is it fear? I know what you are thinking, get on my bike because it is the only way to get better. Oh I know, but the bike taunts me instead! So this September I am going to ride my bike. I will overcome this fear and quiet the bully known as my bike! Other resolutions are to knit more this fall & winter and to do something new every month!
So what is next? A run. I have a half marathon scheduled for October in Brooklyn, NY. Training is going ok but now that the swim is over, my training will totally be focused on my run. I have also decided to sign up for the Ithaca 5 & 10 in September. I was excited when I realized I wasn't working that weekend so I can actually sign up for a race!! And what will come up next ... stay tuned!
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