Saturday, April 11, 2015

5 days off...

So the last day that I worked out was Easter Sunday, April 5th.  After the woman in church predicted that I would have a red headed baby.  I don't know what happened to me this week.  I was tired so in the morning I hit the snooze button a few too many times and in the evening I stayed at work way too long or had plans after work.  On Friday I travelled for work and had an event to attend.  Mostly I was just tired.  Funny thing is that I did notice I was sore during the week that I didn't workout compared to the weeks that I do.  My hips were bothering me and I didn't feel very good about myself.  The moral of this story, don't take a week off.

Today I was in NYC for work.  I actually had the day to myself.  I came down yesterday for an event and I have a meeting tomorrow but today I didn't have anything planned.  I should have spent the day doing school work but it was way too nice out.

After staying up to watch the Red Sox beat the Yankees or at least I tried...I fell asleep around 1 a.m. not knowing who won.  It was nice to wake up at 8:00 a.m. to see Boston won and that it was a gorgeous day outside.  I went for breakfast and had plans to meet an alumna from Ithaca College for lunch. I am staying on West 57th Street and our plan was to meet on 31st  so I decided to walk the 26 blocks.  After lunch I treated myself to a mani/pedi.  I had done some research and found a really nice nail salon on Madison Avenue.  After that special treat I continued my walk back to my hotel stopping in Barnes and Noble and a few other places.

I finished the afternoon by heading to Central Park for a run/walk and really enjoyed myself.  The workout felt great except that my plantar fasciitis started to bother me during my workout.  At one point I stepped off a curb and I felt the pain shooting through my foot.  I prayed to God and said please no!! If you have ever had plantar fasciitis you know that it can be very painful and can last way too long. So I am hoping it doesn't plan on sticking around for too long.

However, I will not let this slow me down.  I will stretch, ice, roll it out ... I will do whatever it takes.  (Yes I started stretching it this evening and iced it.)  I haven't rolled it out yet because I don't have anything with me hard enough to use.

I will not use this as an excuse, the workouts will continue.  I have a lot of work to do to lose a total of 45 pounds by June 8th which is my goal. That deadline is 8 weeks away! Working out is what helps me the most. I can not do this alone ... I depend upon those workouts so I can't afford another week like last week.

Keep moving forward.

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