Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lazy Slug...

...that's what I feel like lately.  A lazy slug!  I have not worked out since Tuesday.  Crazy is I ventured out in Chicago as soon as the blizzard ended but I get back to New York and I haven't stepped into the gym yet. I don't know what is wrong ... just haven't felt like doing much.  What is also bad is my school work has suffered this week as well.

It has become my routine to go to the gym after work and then stay on campus to do school work. I find if I go home to do school work I have adult onset ADD. I end up watching TV; doing laundry or find anything else to do besides school work.  Of course I miss one day of school work I get behind and if I miss one day of a workout, lately, I end up feeling like a lazy slug.  So can you imagine how I feel if I have missed four days...

Tomorrow is a new day ... my running shoes are longing for the pavement and there is school work to be I need to get out of this funk before it goes on for too long.

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