Thursday, February 19, 2015

40+ days

Ash Wednesday was yesterday and so begins Lent.  So I thought about what I wanted to give up, what would challenge me and what would be good for me.  I chose two things to give up Facebook and sugar.  With Facebook I can't post, comment or stalk for 40+ days.  So far so good!!  In regards to the sugar ... I am reading all ingredients and if sugar lands in the first five ingredients then I can't eat it.  This will be a challenge but in the end will be very good for me. Walking away from Facebook will be good for me too.  I need to work on my Time Management skills when it comes to school work and I don't need to be waisting my time on Facebook.  The funny thing about not being able to post anything is throughout the day I think about things that I would post on the book...comments or things that happened but I can't.  Now I have to communicate with friends the old fashion way!!

Just trying to stay the course

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