Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 22nd.

Sunday, February 22nd.  I am sitting in a cafe in NYC.  I just attended some alumni meetings and I am now waiting for the Cornell Bus to take me home.  Today was the Lake Effect Half Marathon in Syracuse.  I was registered to complete this half marathon but I had to cancel for these meetings.  I also found out that I have to drop out of the Syracuse half marathon on the 22nd of March because the meetings that were held today will continue in one month.  So much for registering early in order to save money.  I am almost too afraid now to register for anything.  Between work and school I don't have the time to compete in races.  The other half I was thinking about was the Skunk Cabbage which is held in April in Ithaca.  During the meeting held today we scheduled our meetings for March and April.  The April meeting is April I just went on line as I was typing this blog to checkout the date of the Skunk Cabbage race and ... it is scheduled for April 12th!!  So right now I don't have any races scheduled...what is a girl to do.  I guess I just keep running and something will work out. Maybe I should turn my attention to the pool and bike and get ready for my triathlons.

I am a frustrated competitive runner ... I had such hopes and dreams for this year.  I am not giving up...just whining!!

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