Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wish the scale would move

I realize that my 2015 word is HEALTH but I am human and I want the scale to move too.  I know I am doing all of this to better my health but again I want the scale to move.  Prior to Christmas I broke the 30 pound mark for a total of 31.  After the holidays I am still holding at 31 pounds.  I understand that I should look at the glass as half full and tell myself that I am happy I didn't gain any weight over the holidays but I am losing patience.  I am happy I didn't gain any weight but when I start to lose patience it can get ugly.  I want to keep moving forward but I would like to see the scale move too.  I would love even a half a pound.

So what do I do ... I hide the scale until Monday.  Instead of stressing about it, thinking about it too much or focusing on it I hid the scale.  It's just a number right?  Waiting 6 days until I can weigh myself is not a bad thing.  I need to focus on HEALTH.  My workouts; food intake; sleep etc.  Monday will be here before we know it. 

The scale better move!!!

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