Saturday, July 26, 2014


Today has been a good day ... well I take that back it has been a fabulous day.  I  weighed in today and I am down another pound! A total of 12.5 to be exact.  Now I have to admit I checked the scale three times to make sure.  After I celebrated i finished packing and got everything into the car so I could be prepared to head out of town straight from work.  Where am I going you ask?  Well, Heaven, my happy place also known as Lake Placid!

I am here to cheer on my friends, fellow tri club members and complete strangers as they compete in the IRONMAN Lake Placid. 140.6 miles of training, strength, guts and emotion! It is an accomplishment that many wish they could do and few can say they have.

I don't think there has been a time that I have said I will never do an Ironman but I don't have my calendar marked. This fall I start my doctorate so I don't think it is wise to do it for the next few years. My goals are weight loss, grad school, building my strength back up and doing more triathlons; doing another 70.3 and maybe after grad school I will think about it. Oh and I still need to work.

I don't think I have told you this story before but if I have I apologize. In 2005 I ran my marathon in San Francisco. After it was over my parents sent me a card to congratulate me and my father wrote a note to me and asked, "what's next, Ironman?"

I still have that card, I am just waiting for the day I can say yes!

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