Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week One

A week ago I wrote about the 100 Day Challenge.  I decided to start it on Saturday, July 12th and over the last 8 days I have to admit I missed 2 days.  Monday was poor planning on my part, I had something going on in the AM before work, a lunch meeting and then the CNY Triathlon Club's monthly meeting.  I didn't get home until very late and I was too even try to do anything.  Thursday was the other day I missed which was a travel day for work and again way too tired at the end of the day.  However I don't feel defeated because I missed two days, I worked out 6 other days including today.  I didn't give up or throw in the towel.  I tried again the next day.  I will just add those two days on at the end.

This morning I woke up around 7:15, had a cup of tea, a half of a bagel and headed out for a morning workout.  I walked for over 30 minutes.  It was a beautiful morning and others must have agreed because the trail was busy in Dryden.  I am heading out again for workout number two...another swim.  You know I can't resist a good swim!

The stomach issues are still going on, I have my good days and my bad days and some surprise days!  I am taking each day as it comes and trying to make the best of it.  The scale moved again this week so I must be doing something right!

Each day is a challenge and you have choices to make. You can sit back on the couch and say I can't or you can accept the challenge and keep moving forward.

Today I accept the challenge!

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