Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Keep moving forward

This week there have been ups and downs; stress and peace; but through it all I kept moving forward as best I could. For the last two weeks I have been dealing with my car, the check engine light continuously flashed at me despite my mechanic working on it. For most of last week I did not have my car. On Wednesday I left for a work trip in a rental but picked up my "fixed" car on Friday thinking all was well. Instead 5 hours after leaving the garage, the check engine light reappeared. Of course it was after 5 pm on the Friday of a three day holiday weekend. What could I do. My plan was to head out of town for the weekend so the only thing I could do was rent a car in order to head the place where my heart always is located...Massachusetts.

On Friday morning I got up to get my workout done before I left for work. I didn't want to worry about it knowing I was still dealing with my car. It wasn't the most intense workout of my life but I got it done! Knowing what happened at the end of the day I am so glad I got it done!

   My work trip took me to Buffalo this past week. It was a quick overnight but a very successful trip. It was our first alumni event in the area since I was hired 5 years ago and it was a fabulous time. Getting to know many of the alumni at the event I ended up going out with a few and stayed out much past my bed time.I had a fabulous time but I also knew I had to finish some school work and get a run in the next morning before leaving Buffalo. The school work did not get done that night but it did get done early the next morning and so did my run. I had a fun run through Buffalo and headed to the canal near Lake Erie. It was a beautiful morning and even though I was tired I got it done. About half way through my run I started to smell something really good. What am I smelling I thought to myself. As I looked around, across the canal, was the General Mills plant. At that moment I looked forward to turning around and heading back to breakfast! 

This past Saturday I got out on the road for the second time this spring. I went for 21 miles and although I am still not the strongest cyclist I felt great throughout the ride. My average speed was 14.3 miles per hour and I was out for 90 minutes. I will say that compared to years past I have gotten faster but still not lightning speed! As soon as I hear about my car today, it is my plan to get back in the saddle and on the road again!

I will share this with you while out on the road on Saturday I started to have a bit of anxiety. I was thinking about the Half Ironman Lake Placid I am registered to complete in September. I started to have my doubts about whether I can do this or not. I was supposed to complete the Tupper Lake Tinman in June but decided to defer my entry until next year. Knowing my travel schedule for work in May and June I knew I wouldn't be ready. Now I am questioning my ability for Lake Placid. I know I can do the swim, and the run...it is the bike that scares me. I have two sprint and one Olympic distance triathlons on my calendar for this summer. I am excited for those but September is giving me anxiety. I know what you are thinking that is 3.5 months away...doesn't matter. I also know I should be having this conversation with my coach but I thought it would be easier to get it out there first. Don't worry I will keep you updated. I am not planning on backing out but I am nervous!!

Since this blog is also about my post bariatric surgery life, I will tell you I am still struggling with the scale but I am working on it. It hasn't gone up but it hasn't gone down either. I don't know if I am ready to accept that this is where my body wants to be. I also looked back on my May workouts and discovered that I have added strength training to my workouts twice each week of May. I am always shooting for three but I am happy with my consistency. 

I would also like to share that dressing rooms play with your emotions as much as the scale does. On Saturday I went shopping. I had to return a dress that I had ordered online. This is where it all begins...I ordered two dresses, both the same size. One dress fit perfectly and the other was too tight. Why? So I headed to the store and decided to try on a few more...I brought 5 dresses and a few tops into the dressing room. The first two dresses didn't fit...your emotions start playing games with you. I tried on the third dress, same size as the first two and it was too big. I actually had to go down a size. The next dress was a petite and it fit like a glove. Thank God I didn't listen to the first two dresses. In regards to the tops I brought into the dressing room. They were all smalls because I could not find mediums in the ones I liked. In the end this shopping trip was a huge success. So the scale is not moving but clothes size are moving. However, I can't get cocky...the next trip could be totally different.

Running through Buffalo

Biking is good!

Dressing rooms play with your emotions


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Frustrated...ugly habits

I try to keep this blog focused on my workouts, endurance events, and life after bariatric surgery. However, sometimes you need to vent and when you are frustrated about life it can effect your workouts and how you react to it. I realize that things could be a lot worse and I try to see the bright side of things but I am having trouble.

On Wednesday, May 16 on the way to work, my check engine light started to flash. According to the car manual, if the light is flashing you should bring it to a mechanic right away. I called the shop where I bring my car and they took my car immediately . At the end of the day I picked up my car and thought all was good. Until Friday, May 19 at 4 pm...the light came back on again. I brought my car back to the mechanic right away and left it for him to check. This was the start of commencement weekend at the college where I work, and I really did not want to deal with this.

To make a long story short it is Tuesday, May 22 in the evening and my car is still not fixed. Supposedly it took some time to figure out the problem, then parts haven't been delivered, and blah blah blah...to get me really frustrated the repair shop has not felt the need to call me at any point to give me updates. I have been contacting them every day and today I called at 4:30 pm to find out the part wasn't delivered and they did not work on my car at all!! But did they call me...NO!!!

I am single with only one car. I have depended upon my friends and colleagues to help me out this week and I am grateful for them. However, when you are single and your car doesn't work, you feel totally alone! I don't like to ask for help but I need to get to work!

The reason I am sharing this is due to my stress, being tired, and having time constraints my workouts and being  mentally present around food has suffered! When I am tired and stressed old habits come back...food becomes my comfort. Throughout the weekend because of my work schedule (All day Friday, 16+ hours on Saturday, and 9 hours on Sunday) I was drained and exhausted. I did not complete my workouts and the only thing I got done was 35 minutes on the bike trainer on Sunday.

I have jumped back in as of Monday, a 3 mile run, followed by 45 minutes on the bike trainer on Tuesday and I have felt great. The problem is I am still using food as comfort to get through all of this. I am embarrassed to admit that but lying won't get you any where especially lying to yourself. I am traveling overnight for work, a quick trip to Buffalo, starting tomorrow. Let's hope I can relax a bit and not worry about my car for some time. Eating my way through things will not fix my car. Fingers crossed I can pick up my car soon. I need to go grocery shopping...I need some fruits and veggies!!

Keep moving!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Always pack your sneakers...and other news!

I apologize that I missed last weekend's post (May 6). I got home from a work trip and I was exhausted. I started the blog but fell asleep before I finished. I attempted to write this on May 13 but once again back from another work trip and too tired to think!

Running through Princeton
Over the first 13 days of May I traveled for 10 of those for work! I am happy to report, besides the trips being successful for work, I packed my sneakers and went out for run workouts in five different areas which includes; Ashburn, VA; Newark, NJ; Rochester, NY; Newton, MA and Princeton, NJ. Even though I am traveling for work I can still fit my running shoes into my suitcase. It is always an adventure to run in a new area. In fact it is one of my favorite things to do. Map out a new course, get up early (before the tourists) and see a new regional area in a totally different way! How I sight-see is by running through cities, sometimes before the sun even comes up.

On Sunday, May 6, I had a long run on my training schedule. I had to do 6 miles since I had run a half marathon the week before. I mapped out a course and headed out the door of my hotel. I had a few hours before I had another alumni event to attend. While I was running I was thinking about my friends who were running the Mountain Goat 10 miler in Syracuse. I was also thinking about my friend/coach Brendan Jackson and all of his words of encouragement spoken and written. I still couldn't believe a year had passed since we lost him...and just like that a cardinal flew in front of me and landed in a tree that was passing. A beautiful deep red cardinal who arrived to encourage and cheer me on. Many have said a red cardinal can represent the spirit of a loved one coming back to check on you! About a mile further down the road, I saw another cardinal and at that moment I said...thank you Brendan and thank you Mom for checking in on me...it was a good run!

So the day before that long run I got some great news that I need to share with you! On May 5, I was waiting for a work event to start. Our guests had not arrived but we were setup and ready to go. So I took a moment to check my personal email. I received an email from USA Triathlon that stated the following:
"Congratulations Maura! With your finish at Gillie Girl Sprint Triathlon, USA Triathlon would like to invite you to the 2018 USA Triathlon Sprint Age Group National Championship in Cleveland, OH on August 12"

I couldn't believe it. I read it over and over again...I never would have imagined this in my past! I called my coach right away but still couldn't believe it! I checked my calendar and it was clear...it is blocked now as I will be traveling to Cleveland, OH this summer! That evening I got to my hotel room and I registered for the race! I am so excited for this journey, humbled, and a bit empowered! I look forward to sharing it all with you!

So it is now time to give you a little update in regards of my personal challenge to add strength training into my weekly schedule...

The Week of April 29 - I lifted 3 days during the week
The week of May 6 - I lifted 2 days during the week
The week of May 13 ... so far I lifted today...it's only the beginning!

Just remember Keep Moving!!