Sunday, February 12, 2017

10 miles in the Windy City and other Updates

10 Miles in the Windy City
I actually started this post a week ago. I was traveling for work in Chicago and I think I was writing this entry to distract myself while I was watching the Super Bowl. I am a die hard Patriots fan and the first 3/4 of that game had me on edge and filled with anxiety. Now I never lost faith in my team but I certainly wasn't enjoying the game.

Last weekend was a beautiful day in Chicago. It was unusually warm. I had flown to the city,  very early Sunday morning, for a few days in order to meet with some Alumni from Ithaca College and host an alumni event. However, my coach also scheduled a 9.5 mile run and your can't stop your life just because of work travel; also known as work life balance.

I love this city along the great lake, it invigorates me! The Windy City doesn't intimidate me! So when I looked at my schedule and saw that I had 9.5 miles to run I was excited and looking forward to completing it I spent some time mapping out my which direction should I go run along the river; go along the lake or run through Millennium Park? I decided that this run would cover it all.

In the past I would have faced this distance with fear. I certainly wouldn't have planned a run like this while traveling. In the last 6+ months my life has changed and facing workouts like this have become adventures. The run went very well and instead of completing 9.5 miles I ran 10 miles and was ready to watch the Super Bowl when it was done!!

The rest of the week was filled with recovery runs, time in the saddle (cycling) and a much needed swim. One particular workout this week challenged me, terrified me, and inspired me. I was challenged to do a timed 2 mile run. I had to run it faster than a 5k race pace. I had to planned to do this workout on Thursday morning on an outdoor track. Well you know what they say, the best laid plans...I woke up and the snow was falling, it was windy and cold and this would mean that the track would be covered too.

I jumped on the bike to get moving and thought the snow has to stop at some point. After work I went to a bike bath in town, that surprisingly was plowed better than some of the roads. It was 15 degrees and very dark out but I had to get it done. When I completed the test I had run the 2 miles in 21.23 which comes out to be less than an 11 minute mile on average. I don't know if I was fast that day or the fact that it was so cold and a bit creepy where I was running by myself that made me run faster? All I know that in 5 weeks I will have to do it again and hopefully it will be a bit warmer, brighter and less snow and ice!

On another note...I have checked the scale a few times this week. The digital box of numbers doesn't seem to want to move. I feel like I am on a plateau. However, even though the scale doesn't want to move I went shopping this week and I ended up in a smaller size...another size down. I have to admit I did a little dance in the dressing room!! Non scale victories!!

Continuing my new journey...

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